The online racing simulator
Problems running dedicated server
Hi All.

Top game, I'm trying to run a dedicated server to get some of my mates to play.

When i start with lfs cfg=setup.cfg i get an error 'invalid command line'

my setup.cfg is

//Example dedicated host configuration file.
//How to use : LFS /cfg=setup.cfg

/host=Host Name

//if required - password

//if required - admin password

//if required - InSim port

//if required - local specified ip address

//a high number below 65536



//Blackwood/South City/Fern Bay/Autocross/Westhill/Kyoto Ring/Aston

//config : 1=GP/2=RALLYX in Blackwood

//no / yes

//weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood

//cars allowed - see README.txt

//max number of guests that can join host

//max number of cars in a race

//max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc

//max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc

//smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second

//qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying

//number of laps, 0 for practice

//if laps not specified - hours



//no/yes : can guests vote to kick or ban

//no/yes : can guests select track

//no/yes/ban/spectate : wrong way drivers

//no restart within X seconds of race start

//no restart within X seconds of race finish

//no/yes : allow join during race

//no/yes : pit stop required

//fixed/finish/reverse/random : race start order

and my deb.log says

timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
Invalid command line

I have only just downloaded the dedicated server zip and have made no modifications

It's running on an AMD XP2400+, 512MB, Windows XP Media Edition

Can anyone help?

ta Spotta
Try "lfs /cfg=setup.cfg" instead.

Probably another n00b question -
But is there a way to add a couple of AI cars to the dedicated server in the cfg?

and can someone tell me a way of setting up some script etc to start the dedicated server whenever Windows boots

Create a shortcut for the LFS server with the command line operator /cfg=config.cfg in the properties. Then drag the shortcut to your Startup folder on the Start/Programs menu.

There are other ways, but this is quick and easy .

Nice sig.
Perhaps a question inviting a "yes" or "no" reply would have a better chance of a quick answer.....suggest you contact the admin or buy the full version..
Hi spotta.

Are you playing and running the dedicated server on the same computer or have it in LAN?

If you have it on LAN. Try connect with that computers IP.

You can check . Login as Guest and click "Racers and hosts online". Find your server there?

Otherwise its the same boring stuff. Check firewalls and routers.
neo2004, is the "server" the directly connected to the internet? If not you need to do some port forwarding, and make sure that any internal firewalls allow LFS past.

I have some problems with my dedicated server, too

The Server runs on the same machine as the Game, so when I connect to my local IP-adress it works. But if my friends try to connect to my server there is a message which says that the server isn't online. BUT if my friends search for me it works.

Ports (29339 TCP and 63392 TCP/UDP) are forwarded to my PC and the firewall is correctly configured.

So...what's the problem?

Here's my cfg file:
/host= // name
/pass= // password
/admin= // password

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards

PS: My english isn't very well, I hope you understand what I mean