Application updated...adding some drivers because E-Team can be interresting by signing up with two cars if there is some free slot (that seems to desapear which is better for nice races )
Since I sence some confusion in the air about the invitations... Since there are currently less than 30 applications common sence would imply it is very likely you would get in simply by bothering to send the application.
Do bare in mind that I don't have the time to insect all of my sentences so anally thorough. Besides you're supposed to do the skin-thingies anyway Joe, and not critisize my spelling. I still wonder why the fook we haven't sucked you yet since you never do anything in time.
29 applications so far. Of course, final decisions not made yet for the 28 slots for full-time teams. Do still apply, because we will keep a waiting list if need be, which should help compensate for any teams who cannot make a round or drop out of the series.
34 applications in with about 3 and a half hours until the deadline.
After the deadline has passed, we will still accept new applications for the next few months, but any teams that apply after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list should we have no slots open until such time that their lot would come up when needing to hit up the waiting list.