#551 - Woz
Quote from J03130 :if this is actually gonna become a reality i think racers will benefit as well....think about it in servers theres always grip/drifters driving together...if there is more lock there's less chance of the drifter spinning off and causing a crash. good idea in my opinion!

That is just so funny.

Normally you will find if there is a server with people trying to race and someone feels they should just muck about drifting they will be kicked!

Drifting has NOTHING to do with racing, people should respect what people are doing on the server when they join. You don't join a race server and start drifting in the same way as you dont join a drift server and expect a race!
I defend the teory that LFS is a pure racing simulator. So, you don't have any reason to put 48° steering like in D1 cars...

But following this extreme direction, you can remember that normal racing cars use far less than 36°. "They are road legal cars", you can say. But then, they wouldn't be allowed to race.

It's a hard question...
Quote from PedraumF :I defend the teory that LFS is a pure racing simulator. So, you don't have any reason to put 48° steering like in D1 cars...

Oh really? Insteed of getting support for drifting, which is a motorsport, we get support for cruising. Ofcourse someone will soon reply saying that cruising support is pure racing related.

And since the thread was bumped. I will post some nice pics (not mine):

And here is my previous car - e30, close to the full stock steering lock:

...And none of those cars are for racing, so we don't actually need more lock.

Cruising support is pure racing related.
The only "support" cruisers get are cruising-flag for the server, nothing more. If drifters get more lock, cruisers should get open city track.
Quote from Gekkibi :The only "support" cruisers get are cruising-flag for the server, nothing more. If drifters get more lock, cruisers should get open city track.

Quote from Scawen :Blue and yellow flags removed from cruise mode

Oh and comparing changing the range of steering lock slider in setup to building open city track. You are brillant man. Purist "racer/fanboy" glasses on. :hypnotize
Ah, the same old racing purists at speed again.

Attached is my ex-320i winter drifter with modded steering lock, took less than an hour to do.
Attached images
Quote from kamkorPL :Oh and comparing changing the range of steering lock slider in setup to building open city track. You are brillant man. Purist "racer/fanboy" glasses on. :hypnotize

Removing yellow/blue flags took Scawen exactly 2 minutes 17 seconds.
Think about how much time it takes to change a gui slider range.
Quote from kamkorPL :Think about how much time it takes to change a gui slider range.

Think about how much time it takes to make >36° lock realistic. LFS physics engine is optimised for 36 and smaller degree locks.
Quote from kamkorPL :Oh and comparing changing the range of steering lock slider in setup to building open city track. You are brillant man. Purist "racer/fanboy" glasses on. :hypnotize

Ya, removing flags == flagging the server as cruise server. Even drifters can use this feature if they don't want to use flags.

And I am not a purist racer. I also enjoy cruising.
Quote from Shadowww :Think about how much time it takes to make >36° lock realistic. LFS physics engine is optimised for 36 and smaller degree locks.

Adding more lock won't affect the physics imo....
Adding multiple routes to a track won't affect the engine. Oh, wait...

Sorry, had to say it. No offence.
Quote from kamkorPL :Oh really? Insteed of getting support for drifting, which is a motorsport, we get support for cruising. Ofcourse someone will soon reply saying that cruising support is pure racing related.

And since the thread was bumped. I will post some nice pics (not mine):

Don't know if I made my point understandable, let me complete it.

LFS' slogan is "Online racing simulator". If we follow this extreme direction, then all cars should have <20° steering, rollcages, bucket seats and all that well discussed safety stuff that is mandatory in every door-to-door legal racing in the world. A "racing simulator", pure or not, should follow this line, otherwise it would be a "driving simulator", changing the game's slogan to the Gran Turismo's one and making the things a lot different.

As a driving simulator, then yes, I would defend drifting with >48° steering (yet with the real world safety rules though), cruising (this, and only this, should use street legal cars). As a racing simulator, this things just wouldn't fit.

Imo, it's an identity question.
Since when is a simple slogan supposed to determine how the complete game is to be constructed?

Following your logic, it would seem odd for LFSWorld to have a "drifter" driver type selectable in your profile.
Quote from Matrixi :Since when is a simple slogan supposed to determine how the complete game is to be constructed?

Following your logic, it would seem odd for LFSWorld to have a "drifter" driver type selectable in your profile.

Then they should change one of two things: the slogan or the game.

By the way, someone once said "It MUST be optimised as a racing simulator..."
Now post the quote in the original context
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Now post the quote in the original context

Ok, I selected the important part to this post, but I'll let you aswer what was the whole phrase.

What's the original Scawen's statement?

A) "It MUST be optimised as a driving simulator, not a screenshot generator."
B) "It MUST be optimised as a drifting simulator, not a screenshot generator."
C) "It MUST be optimised as a cruising simulator, not a screenshot generator."
D) "It MUST be optimised as a racing simulator, not a screenshot generator."

A, B, C or D?
The options are irrelevant as the correct context is show in every one of them.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :The options are irrelevant as the correct context is show in every one of them.

Oh sh*t :/

Then why did he used option D?

And WOW, he used "racing" in the game's slogan as well...

I'm shocked.
You'd have a valid point if the quote read "It MUST be optimised as a racing simulator, not a drifting simulator."
Pity they don't make new patches to Flight Simulator X any more, because I would want that they include missiles and other weapons to it, just because I want that FSX is also a combat flight simulator.
Quote from Gekkibi :Pity they don't make new patches to Flight Simulator X any more, because I would want that they include missiles and other weapons to it, just because I want that FSX is also a combat flight simulator.

This analogy also fails: an official version of LFS already had what is being asked for, Microsoft didn't release FSX with weapons. A more adequate one would be adding more aileron angle.

It's alright to have a discussion and have different points of view, but the logic in some of the arguments in this thread is quite horrible.
To me it seems you don't want it, because you don't want it, for reason that you don't want it. People against steering lock ran out of proper arguments and were left with only one eventually.. "This is online racing simulator". And physics optimised for 36 degrees? Are you kidding me Shadowww? Increase it trough memhack, and it has the same effect as it has in real life.

Too bad big part of lfs community is drifting community. Drifting is a big part of live for speed, learn to live with it.

And if you go that extreme then drifting is sort of a racing sport. In competitions, in tsuiso part, a car behind chases the leader. The leader must lose distance from chaser. And chaser must stay close (keep up) to the leader or pass him (which when clean can result in even 10:0). Sounds like kind of racing to me.
I don't have anything against drifters, as long as they don't do drifting in a racing server where I am. Heck, I have nothing against if they get a new car with nice spoilerz (Or more lock, which is easier)... However:

"Because Scawen said so"

k thx bai
It will be easier if you say that you simply ran out of logical arguments. "Because Scawen said so" - paste a quote, and a quote where he says it is absolutely permament.

And all this comes from a guy who spends all his time posting, driven 25 races in 6421 mileage. What have you been doing all this time in purists "racing simulator"?

Drift Max. Lock
(624 posts, started )