The online racing simulator
Problem with global position
Hi to all! I got a problem with latest lapper... I can't see global positions, it always says: "Car FOX Position -/-" It seems it wont store my pbs... Any idea?
Quote from goldwing :Hi to all! I got a problem with latest lapper... I can't see global positions, it always says: "Car FOX Position -/-" It seems it wont store my pbs... Any idea?

Looks like the DefaultCar isn't set or set to a wrong car.
This is the part where the default car is set:
#Default Car#
# Default car to show, when no car is specified in command !top or !drf and when a player haven't used a car on this server
# You can combine several cars by using + (example: "XFG+XRG"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

#$DefaultTopCar = "UF1";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XFG";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRG";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RB4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXO";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX6";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RAC";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZ5";
#$DefaultTopCar = "MRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XFR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "UFR";
$DefaultTopCar = "FOX";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FO8";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "BF1";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FBM";

When i make a new pb it also says "-/-"... In which database should i check the pbs?
What do you see when you type: !top
If that list is empty too, something isn't working well.
What version of Lapper are you using?
I'm using lapper version When i type !top there is nothing in the table...
Quote from goldwing :I'm using lapper version When i type !top there is nothing in the table...

Hmm, there's defenitly something going wrong then.
Could you place your config file in a text file and upload it to this forum?
Here is my config file.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 74.8 KB - 253 views
try this

#$DefaultTopCar = "UF1";
$DefaultTopCar = "XFG+FOX+enc";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRG";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RB4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXO";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX6";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RAC";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZ5";
#$DefaultTopCar = "MRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XFR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "UFR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FOX";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FO8";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "BF1";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FBM";

and ofcourse u need more than 2 drivers in a race
I think the problem is that i am the only one for the moment, but i thought i might see 1/1 on my positions and must appeat in !top.
I noticed that on my ddhost i got an error message: IS_MTC could not find destination, can it be a cause?
I raced with a friend and on some races the global position worked but not on other races... I tried deleting all my db files, not working too... Please help me!!
Quote from goldwing :I noticed that on my ddhost i got an error message: IS_MTC could not find destination, can it be a cause?
I raced with a friend and on some races the global position worked but not on other races... I tried deleting all my db files, not working too... Please help me!!

i have the same problem when someone disconnect from the server
i use version 5.845
Anyone can help me? I thought that when i'm running alone on a track i can see "Car XXX : 1/1" instead of "-/-".
Quote from goldwing :Anyone can help me? I thought that when i'm running alone on a track i can see "Car XXX : 1/1" instead of "-/-".

Sorry that I didn't respond earlier, had more important things to do.
Running alone on the track isn't a problem.
I've started a test-server with your configuration file and found the problem.

Your code:

$EnableRotation = true;
$RotateEveryNbRaces = 4;

Should be:

$EnableRotation = false;
$RotateEveryNbRaces = 4;

Otherwise Lapper will rotate track and car immediatly after staring and then FOX is no longer the default car and giving you the -/-
If you want to use the track/car rotator.You can change the !top so you see always the current car in the !top list but you still get the -.- when the current car not equals the $DefaultTopCar. ( see post of Yisc[NL] above)

CASE "!top":
IF( $argv == "" )
top( getLapperVar( "CurrRotateCar" ));
top( $argv );

I also found a bug that got in from one of my updates (d'oh) that migth overwrite the DefaultCar. This change needs to made to the TopGrip function.

cmdLapper.cs    (revision 12)
cmdLapper.cs    (working copy)
@@ -
96,+96,11 @@
infoPlayer currPly listOfPlayers.getPlayerByUCID(UCID);
+            if (
carName == "" && currPly.CName != ""// Set default car to current car if no default set in the lapper config
+            {
carName currPly.CName;
+            }
string[] splitCmd cmd.Split(' ');

Thank you!! I'll check this! Thank you for your precious help!
I've disabled autorotation and if my top default car is FOX and i play with FZ5 for example, i see "FZ5 global -/-" i can't understand, this feature was working on oldest version of lapper! Is it what Krayy is talking about?