The online racing simulator
AS7R Graphics Bug
(11 posts, started )
#1 - XmaX
AS7R Graphics Bug
i have a bug on AS7r (see attachment). Only on this track i have this bug
Sometimes there are "holes" in the street ...
Graphiccard was never Overclocked
After some minutes of driving my pc "dies" (didnt know the word :P)

For the 16h Event its not perfect...

Please help

For for this really bad english... Many words in this text which i dont know how to explain

Attached images
#2 - VoiD
Any 3rd-party horizons on your PC?

Benutzt Du irgendeinen Add-On Horizont..? Als Textur?
If you find a bug with a test patch, please double check with your regular patch install, so that you can compare. This forum is correct for existing bugs (i.e. they exist in patch Z), else you should use the test patch thread for new bugs. If you could compare and report your findings, I'll merge these posts in with that thread if necessary.
#4 - XmaX
Hey guys,

@VoiD, Yes I use one

@Bob Smith, i will test it on Patch Z and i'll post if its still there

#5 - XmaX
So i tested under Patch Z. Same Settings....
After 15min watching the replay my pc crashed again
try other games, if it still crashes, it's probably your pc.
#7 - XmaX
Other games are fine, LFS too its only on AS7r
#8 - XmaX
Today i've installed a new graphiccard driver... After 6 Laps the PC crashes...
Can be the graphiccard broken maybe ?

Please Help its really important
if it also happens in plain-Z, but other games are fine, i'm not sure what to say... it could be your graphics card, but it's hard to say... if you had another card to test, it would certainly help though.
Quote from XmaX :Today i've installed a new graphiccard driver... After 6 Laps the PC crashes...
Can be the graphiccard broken maybe ?

Please Help its really important

My dad had the same issue. Everything ran fine except for LFS. Believe it or not, it ended up being software related. He had some applications running, I'm not sure if they were infected or not, that slowed and crashed his LFS. I simply used Ctrl + Alt + Delete to view his processes, removed everything that was unnessicary, removed those programs in MSConfig, and his computer is nearly lock up free.

That's probably a rare fix but... Worth a shot.
#11 - XmaX
Thanks BigTime,
i'll try to sort out some unimportant processes


AS7R Graphics Bug
(11 posts, started )