1st is me, drunk, tryng to remeber what card game i was playing.
2nd me and my classmates. (im the white tshirt and hat)
3th me looking like an idiot. (as allways)
Yeah, including lemons ! That's why i'm pulling such a sour face. I had no choice, as you're not allowed to drink any alcohol when you're under 18 in spain. (Doesn't mean i didn't, though :hide
Recent night out involving a bit too much "orange juice". At this point I was protecting my gentlemen's regions after repeatedly having a rucksack full of red bull cans dropped from quite a height onto me On the plus side, I didn't feel it much (as you can see from my happy face :razz, as we had started mixing vodka and Guinness about an hour before hand
Taken just now, im tired and in need of a hair cut lol, and the goatee is somewhat experimental at this stage, plus i took the photo myself, hence the look of misery as opposed to a smile of any description, i was concentrating!
It is indeed mate, a 1989 electrocoin super bar x, £15 jackpot, and its the original cabinet and original glass, not plastic, glass front!
A heck of a lot of these cabinet fronts were re done in plastic due to breakage and safety reasons, but this is still original, it even has the year stamped on it still.
It still has a few issues though as its running on a horrible program, probably a bingo hall or casino prog that doesnt give very many frequent wins like the same machine running on an arcade program would, but when it finally does start givinh jackpots it does about 6 and pays like £100+ and goes mad, but it takes a good £130 or so in to get it to do it, which takes ages to do.