Upon further searching around on the net at *cough*work*cough, I found this as well. This is what I am going to do. Though, I have no experience with this Linux stuff.
I do have several computers I can spread my files around on for temporary backup. Unfortunately, every computer I have access to only has around 30 gig hard drives, which I have much more data than that. I also have thousands of gigabytes available by transfering to my work laptop, then transfering to the work network temporarily, hehehe.
Downloading Ubuntu as I type....
EDIT: Downloaded, burned onto disk, and it didn't work in the laptop (or I didn't wait long enough, which it seemed like I waited forever with a blank screen and no sounds from the cd drive...) Stuck the disk in the desktop and bingo! Running Ubuntu from CD and I can see everything on my c: drive. I'll give the 2nd drive a try to check if I can see it tomorrow as it's disconnected at the moment. Now I can move and backup my files and give the disk a complete restore. I've been wanting to do a restore for a long time anyways. I've never restored it since starting it up in 2005