Oct.30 thru Nov. 1st will host the 2009 Cavalcade Weekend at the [raceway33]GTR server.
Event details include 3 days of race-your-way-in Kyoto Oval racing in slightly restricted GTR's.
Attached are the rules,procedures and format.
Registration is required. You can post your intent to race here, or visit www.raceway33.com for more information.
Qualifying begins one week prior to event on a separate server, and can be done at your convenience.
Practice is available on server [raceway33]GTR.
Note the are NO safety car periods and NO mandatory pitstops.
Rule regarding identical times has been amended, official qualification times will be strictly by server PB order.
Pending approval, results shall be posted in spdo event database.
Qualification process updated. Check .pdf for Qualy changes.
Please use the following format for registration:
LFS Username:
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):
Current Registrants:
[FM]^Brandon (imaquad)
#69 Welty GER (weltfenster1)
-TRR-Rocky7up (rockclan)
Ori (Ori)
[FM]^SmegFirk (Smegfirk)
Oci | T.Iivonen (CrAZySkyPimp)
[FM]^Wild (Wild)
[FM]^GOONiE (major_syphillis)
DaveO (wildfire083)
Maciek S. (macfil)
[OW]Under (Underling)
[AW]Burner (FAburner)
[FM]^Popps (popps258)
DanBuck (buck77)
[FM]^Fras (fras44)
PaRaGliDeR (CalibraV6)
Bud (whisperinghill)
[sT]PALMER (mcpalmer)
JayBee (JayEyeBee)
[AW]SidiousX (SidiousX)
SRLT M.Bartusevicius (efexas16)
VanRasmus (vanrasmus)
[AW]GRIM (5.0GrimReaper)
[AW]KILLFIX (jvione)
SRLT Y.Laprevotte (GreyBull [CHA])
**Lizardfolk (lizardfolk)
s2o2RaGs (vecchioni)
*VIRGIE (virgie)
mk1 (mk1golf)
[AW]Main VR4 (themainvr4)
[AW]88Amped (88reasons)
[AW]Vinny (vinnyv81)
#65|Frogs FR (palan5)
#94 Jean FR (jmari)
OWL@Sabaki (eisbar49)
[FM]^JeffyG (Skydiver173)
SRLT E.Kasperiūnas (oldnavy)
Bosie (Bosie)
Event details include 3 days of race-your-way-in Kyoto Oval racing in slightly restricted GTR's.
Attached are the rules,procedures and format.
Registration is required. You can post your intent to race here, or visit www.raceway33.com for more information.
Qualifying begins one week prior to event on a separate server, and can be done at your convenience.
Practice is available on server [raceway33]GTR.
Note the are NO safety car periods and NO mandatory pitstops.
Rule regarding identical times has been amended, official qualification times will be strictly by server PB order.
Pending approval, results shall be posted in spdo event database.
Qualification process updated. Check .pdf for Qualy changes.
Please use the following format for registration:
LFS Username:
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):
Current Registrants:
[FM]^Brandon (imaquad)
#69 Welty GER (weltfenster1)
-TRR-Rocky7up (rockclan)
Ori (Ori)
[FM]^SmegFirk (Smegfirk)
Oci | T.Iivonen (CrAZySkyPimp)
[FM]^Wild (Wild)
[FM]^GOONiE (major_syphillis)
DaveO (wildfire083)
Maciek S. (macfil)
[OW]Under (Underling)
[AW]Burner (FAburner)
[FM]^Popps (popps258)
DanBuck (buck77)
[FM]^Fras (fras44)
PaRaGliDeR (CalibraV6)
Bud (whisperinghill)
[sT]PALMER (mcpalmer)
JayBee (JayEyeBee)
[AW]SidiousX (SidiousX)
SRLT M.Bartusevicius (efexas16)
VanRasmus (vanrasmus)
[AW]GRIM (5.0GrimReaper)
[AW]KILLFIX (jvione)
SRLT Y.Laprevotte (GreyBull [CHA])
**Lizardfolk (lizardfolk)
s2o2RaGs (vecchioni)
*VIRGIE (virgie)
mk1 (mk1golf)
[AW]Main VR4 (themainvr4)
[AW]88Amped (88reasons)
[AW]Vinny (vinnyv81)
#65|Frogs FR (palan5)
#94 Jean FR (jmari)
OWL@Sabaki (eisbar49)
[FM]^JeffyG (Skydiver173)
SRLT E.Kasperiūnas (oldnavy)
Bosie (Bosie)