The online racing simulator
Training lessons in Spanish language (Latino)
Hello everyone, here are lfs training lessons translated in Spanish (Castellano)
I belive they are ok, but check them out for mistakes.

Hola a todos, aqui estan las lecciones de entrenamiento de lfs traducidas al español (Castellano)
Creo que todo esta correcto, igual revisenlos por si existen errores.


After reading all over again, I foud some errors and fix them. but there could be more of them.
Despues de leer todo nuevamente, encontre errores y los arregle. aunque podrian existir mas.
Attached files
Castellano_Españ - 20.8 KB - 685 views
Castellano_Españ - 20.9 KB - 545 views - 18.1 KB - 246 views
Excelénte aportación Leandrus, esto será de mucha utilidad para la comunidad hispána.

Leandrus, excellent contribution, this will be very useful to the Hispanic community.

Excelente, yo pensé que ya había cuando probé esta parte en el juego pero no, esta muy bueno.


Excellent, I thought that there was already when I proved this part in the game but not, this very good one.
Great. I found no errors. Thanks.

Muy bueno. No encontre ningun error. Gracias.
Very useful for new playerss , thank you!!
Working at 100%
Leandrus : thank you for this.

I've emailed a little with DeXteRrBDN today, as he is responsible for the Castellano translation. He says that your traning lessons have a South American style and suggests that it should be modified a bit before including it as Castellano.

But this has got me thinking more about the "Español Latino" translation which is mostly done, but we never really made a decision on it. I'm thinking maybe we should assign some guys to that and get it ready for release...

I know that some people think there should be only one Spanish translation, but others think LFS could really do with more than one. Personally I would like to avoid having so many different versions of Spanish (one for every country) so if some of you guys from America do think that we can make an "Español Latino" that is really better for you than Spanish from Spain, maybe that is the way forwards?

What do you think, would you like to be one of the translators? Judging by the reaction to your training lessons, it looks like you would be a good translator!

It would mean that before a patch, there are sometimes a few lines added, all translators get an email notification and you can edit them online on a page that looks like this : ... on_viewer.php?lang=Latino

You are of course from Venezuela, and the original "Latino" was converted by Neto_r who is from Costa Rica. I think I remember some people saying that the Mexican version is a good neutral American Spanish, so maybe we should have someone from Mexico on the case as well?

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts and if you would like to go ahead with this, do some updates and include Español Latino as an official translation.

I really like MaKaKaZo's post on this subject
To me,l ike Spanish guy it is not a problem to have another language pack, I will never use so don't affect. But what I see in a lot of speaking south american people is bad gramatic and ortographic.

Quote :Excelénte aportación Leandrus, esto será de mucha utilidad para la comunidad hispána.

Excelente or hispana don't has punctuation. Some other 'bad' uses is missing conjugation of the perfect past, or give some definitions to some words that really don't have. Like steering wheel in spanish is 'volante', but in some contries say 'manivela' or 'timón', and thats words has completly diferent definitions
NICE!! I think the "Español Latino" is a good Idea. We only need a "team" of traductor from differents countries.
Quote from Scawen :Leandrus : thank you for this.

I've emailed a little with DeXteRrBDN today, as he is responsible for the Castellano translation. He says that your traning lessons have a South American style and suggests that it should be modified a bit before including it as Castellano.

But this has got me thinking more about the "Español Latino" translation which is mostly done, but we never really made a decision on it. I'm thinking maybe we should assign some guys to that and get it ready for release...

I know that some people think there should be only one Spanish translation, but others think LFS could really do with more than one. Personally I would like to avoid having so many different versions of Spanish (one for every country) so if some of you guys from America do think that we can make an "Español Latino" that is really better for you than Spanish from Spain, maybe that is the way forwards?

What do you think, would you like to be one of the translators? Judging by the reaction to your training lessons, it looks like you would be a good translator!

It would mean that before a patch, there are sometimes a few lines added, all translators get an email notification and you can edit them online on a page that looks like this : ... on_viewer.php?lang=Latino

You are of course from Venezuela, and the original "Latino" was converted by Neto_r who is from Costa Rica. I think I remember some people saying that the Mexican version is a good neutral American Spanish, so maybe we should have someone from Mexico on the case as well?

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts and if you would like to go ahead with this, do some updates and include Español Latino as an official translation.

I really like MaKaKaZo's post on this subject

I did talk with my friend neto and we chat about this Latino translation, I believe that there should be a general Latino translation. It’s not necessary a translation for every country if we use Spanish properly. Especially if we don't use any jargon from different dialects.

So I’ll be happy to keep LFS updated on the translations to "Español-Latino"
Thanks! :up:

I've sent you an email.
Quote from Leandrus :I did talk with my friend neto and we chat about this Latino translation, I believe that there should be a general Latino translation. It’s not necessary a translation for every country if we use Spanish properly. Especially if we don't use any jargon from different dialects.

So I’ll be happy to keep LFS updated on the translations to "Español-Latino"

Nice to know you'll keep Español-Latino updated.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about Spanish translations.

BTW, could I modify your lessons translations a bit to add to the Spanish translation?
Quote from DeXteRrBDN :Nice to know you'll keep Español-Latino updated.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about Spanish translations.

BTW, could I modify your lessons translations a bit to add to the Spanish translation?

Thank you Dexter. And yes, modify whatever you need
Congratz Leandrus

Felicitaciones Leandrus, esto les sirve de gran ayuda a todos los novatos y no tan novatos ! Contá con mi ayuda si es que precisan
Leandrus, should I include Español Latino in the next test patch?

That may be in a day or two because I hope to fix a couple of bugs and then move on...

If so, I guess I should also get your Training text files from the first post and just change all their file names to end with Latino?

One more thing, I need to add a flag for the Latino translation.
I guess it could be a map of South America + Mexico with all countries except Brazil highlighted?
Sort of like you see on this map... let me know if you have any better ideas.
http://www.academiaadventuresp ...

One more question as well, how to select the default language. Should it be ALL Spanish speaking countries apart from Spain?

This is a list I found in Windows. So my questions are :

1) Is the first one in the list the only one that should use Castellano?
2) What is "Spanish (Modern)" ?
3) Any other Spanish countries in the world that use Castellano apart from Spain?

SUBLANG_SPANISH 0x01 // Spanish (Castilian)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN 0x02 // Spanish (Mexican)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN 0x03 // Spanish (Modern)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA 0x04 // Spanish (Guatemala)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA 0x05 // Spanish (Costa Rica)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA 0x06 // Spanish (Panama)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC 0x07 // Spanish (Dominican Republic)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA 0x08 // Spanish (Venezuela)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA 0x09 // Spanish (Colombia)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU 0x0a // Spanish (Peru)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA 0x0b // Spanish (Argentina)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR 0x0c // Spanish (Ecuador)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE 0x0d // Spanish (Chile)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY 0x0e // Spanish (Uruguay)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY 0x0f // Spanish (Paraguay)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA 0x10 // Spanish (Bolivia)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR 0x11 // Spanish (El Salvador)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS 0x12 // Spanish (Honduras)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA 0x13 // Spanish (Nicaragua)
SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO 0x14 // Spanish (Puerto Rico)

Quote from Scawen :Leandrus, should I include Español Latino in the next test patch?

Yes, everything is translated
Quote from Scawen :
That may be in a day or two because I hope to fix a couple of bugs and then move on...

If so, I guess I should also get your Training text files from the first post and just change all their file names to end with Latino?

Quote from Scawen :
One more thing, I need to add a flag for the Latino translation.
I guess it could be a map of South America + Mexico with all countries except Brazil highlighted?
Sort of like you see on this map... let me know if you have any better ideas.
http://www.academiaadventuresp ...

I have seem in other games that the latino languaje is represented with the Mexico flag, so i think you should use that one
Quote from Scawen :
One more question as well, how to select the default language. Should it be ALL Spanish speaking countries apart from Spain?

Quote from Scawen :
This is a list I found in Windows. So my questions are :

1) Is the first one in the list the only one that should use Castellano? That one and Modern i belive
2) What is "Spanish (Modern)" ? As far i know, it's a variation of Spain Language
3) Any other Spanish countries in the world that use Castellano apart from Spain? I don't think so

[B]Castellano -> [/B]SUBLANG_SPANISH 0x01 // Spanish (Castilian)
[B]Latino -> [/B]SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN 0x02 // Spanish (Mexican)
[B]Castellano -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN 0x03 // Spanish (Modern)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA 0x04 // Spanish (Guatemala)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA 0x05 // Spanish (Costa Rica)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA 0x06 // Spanish (Panama)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC 0x07 // Spanish (Dominican Republic)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA 0x08 // Spanish (Venezuela)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA 0x09 // Spanish (Colombia)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU 0x0a // Spanish (Peru)
[B]Latino -> [/B]SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA 0x0b // Spanish (Argentina)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR 0x0c // Spanish (Ecuador)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE 0x0d // Spanish (Chile)
[B]Latino -> [/B]SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY 0x0e // Spanish (Uruguay)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY 0x0f // Spanish (Paraguay)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA 0x10 // Spanish (Bolivia)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR 0x11 // Spanish (El Salvador)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS 0x12 // Spanish (Honduras)
[B]Latino -> [/B] SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA 0x13 // Spanish (Nicaragua)
[B]Latino -> [/B]SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO 0x14 // Spanish (Puerto Rico)

Someone from spain should confirm, because i'm not completly sure about the "modern" thing
Yeah well... I'm from Spain and I had never ever heard about that "Spanish (modern)" variation. It definitely sounds like a variation from Spain's Spanish but I can't tell for sure. I think it would be right to have it like Leandrus said.
Maybe, American Spanish?

I don't mind seeing a new version of the languague but I still don't see the point in it, spanish from Spain is as different to me as the spanish from Mexico or Venezuela, that said I also understand and I've never met anyone who didn't understand spanish from Spain.

Mexican flag is ok.
OK, I've been implementing Latino into LFS, used the Mexican flag.

I've attached the training lessons with updated filenames.

DeXteRrBDN : One thing to note is that the two Spanish languages can use eachother as a backup. That means that these lessons will appear even if Castellano is selected (if there are no Castellano lessons). So even if you don't make the Castellano version, Castellano users will still get Spanish lessons. That was something I originally implemented for Portuguese. It never had a complete help file, but all help buttons work anyway because they come up in "Brazilian".

Leandrus : Did you know you can make the lessons appear with Spanish names in the list of lessons? You just have to add a first line starting with the @ character. For an example you can take a look in the text file of an Italiano or Deutch training file. The first line with @ is the title. It's not a requirement, I'm just making sure you knew about that.
Attached files - 15.1 KB - 257 views
Excelent i didn't know that
I think the right term for a generic latin Spanish/castellano is "Neutral Spanish".

Great Job Leandrus.
This is just an idea so please don't flame.

Reading again about castellano and latino I thought that maybe a new *unsupported* language called "custom" could be created so that people can edit it manually without having to change any of the official languages.

Language files are txt and can be edited in any way under your own risk, but if you edit them you are messing with the official languages available - which is of course not recommended.

My idea is to have one special language called "custom" so that you can copy, for example, the Latino.txt language file with the name Custom.txt and then you can edit it manually to adapt it to your own dialect, without having to mess with the original Latino.txt file. Then you can choose "Custom" as your language inside LFS and you still have all the original languages intact.

This could be useful for some LFS communities that could slightly edit the original Latino language file to their own flavour and redistribute a Custom file for their users that wouldn't delete the original one.

I repeat this is just an idea, and maybe it's against the intention of having official translators and official language packs.
It's already possible. Just copy any language file and rename it to anything you like and then you can choose it in the options.
Quote from Scawen : DeXteRrBDN : One thing to note is that the two Spanish languages can use eachother as a backup. That means that these lessons will appear even if Castellano is selected (if there are no Castellano lessons). So even if you don't make the Castellano version, Castellano users will still get Spanish lessons. That was something I originally implemented for Portuguese. It never had a complete help file, but all help buttons work anyway because they come up in "Brazilian".

OK. Anyway, I'll send you the Castellano version as soon as possible.
I have 50% done, so I think it'll be finished on Friday.
Quote from Scawen :
Leandrus : Did you know you can make the lessons appear with Spanish names in the list of lessons? You just have to add a first line starting with the @ character. For an example you can take a look in the text file of an Italiano or Deutch training file. The first line with @ is the title. It's not a requirement, I'm just making sure you knew about that.

I have updated the Latino trainings.
Plus the lessons names in spanish.
Attached files - 16.8 KB - 247 views