[help] Players Login ??
Hello Guys
Im new here and i was Wondering If i can make a players login
to the server with an account ( username & password for each player )
is that possible ?
if yes please tell me how !!

please reply
#2 - garph
Start a private server?
You can make a private server with a password. The password will be the same for everyone though, it won't be linked to a username.

You could also make an InSim application (InSim allows 3rd party applications to retreive and send data to a session) which sits on the server and prompts people for a username and password and kicks them from the server if they don't provide it. That would let you have a different password for each username. You need some programming experience though. Have a look in the programming section of the forum for more about InSim.
[REQ] Login Accounts !!
Hello Guys
Im looking for a program or whatever it is
to help me to create accounts for players
to log-in to a server "username & password for each player"
please help me

Thanks ..
[REQ] Login Accounts !!
Hello Guys
Im looking for a program or whatever it is
to help me to create accounts for players
to log-in to a server "username & password for each player"
please help me

Thanks ..
[REQ] Login Accounts !!
Hello Guys
Im looking for a program or whatever it is
to help me to create accounts for players
to log-in to a server "username & password for each player"
please help me

Thanks ..
[REQ] Login Accounts !! :(
Hello Guys
Im looking for a program or whatever it is
to help me to create accounts for players
to log-in to a server "username & password for each player"
please help me

Thanks ..
Quote from NEMO305 :Hello Guys
Im looking for a program or whatever it is
to help me to create accounts for players
to log-in to a server "username & password for each player"
please help me

Thanks ..

Why cant they make accounts by themself on lfs.net? rice'd-needz?
Quote from hazaky :Why cant they make accounts by themself on lfs.net? rice'd-needz?

He's talking about a separate login system to his server, with individual passwords for every player.

Anyway, please don't crosspost NEMO305, stick to this thread and be patient.
What ??
you need someone to make you a insim type program, user gets kicked if he isnt on the list, or something like that

#14 - SamH
I've merged all of your threads into one because they're all the same thing, posted all over this forum.

If you continue to create new threads on the same topic, you will begin to receive infractions for forum disruption.
It's easier then you think... You need 1 admin app that connects to a txt file (or MySQL server?) where you store the username and the password for each racer.

Then you need an InSim program that retrieves the information from the database and stores it in an array (if you're using a txt file) or you can just retrieve some information from the MySQL database...

This InSim app would need this in the message retrieve section:
if text(0) = !login (assume that the login command is like this: !login username password
search for text(1)
check is password matches the password in the txt file / database
if correct:
logged id
kick client
end if

Quote from Silox :It's easier then you think... You need 1 admin app that connects to a txt file (or MySQL server?) where you store the username and the password for each racer.

Then you need an InSim program that retrieves the information from the database and stores it in an array (if you're using a txt file) or you can just retrieve some information from the MySQL database...

This InSim app would need this in the message retrieve section:
if text(0) = !login (assume that the login command is like this: !login username password
search for text(1)
check is password matches the password in the txt file / database
if correct:
logged id
kick client
end if

can you please tell me more about this stuff .. and how to make it work
sorry im new to this game and i dont have any experience in progarming
Quote from NEMO305 :can you please tell me more about this stuff .. and how to make it work
sorry im new to this game and i dont have any experience in progarming

It's all logic.
cant you help me please
im noobie
There's nothing that will do what you want off the shelf (that I'm aware of), so either someone is going to have to write it for you, or you need to write it yourself.

If you plan on having someone else write it I suspect you'll be very lucky if anyone volunteers.

If you're going to write it yourself we can probably help out a bit more, but we'll need to know what language you're writing it in. PHP, C#, python or something else? If you're not sure, and you're not familiar with any of these languages, then you're going to need to learn at least the basics of that language first.
Possible let me know I opened all the server in which there are not respected, Ialit tell me move along