The online racing simulator
Test Patch Z20 (online compatible)
(252 posts, closed, started )
Test Patch Z20 (online compatible)


Hello Racers, here is a new Test Patch : Z20.

It is online compatible with version Z.
You can view hotlap replays made in version Z.

ABS brakes have been added to 5 cars (as a setup option) so for now you cannot upload hotlaps made in Z20.

Please keep a backup of your LFS.exe from version Z so you can go back to Z if there are any problems.

Changes in TEST PATCH Z20 :

FIX : Z19 problems going full screen in some versions of Windows

Changes in TEST PATCH Z19 :

Updates :

Road car dashboards updated to use dashboard light symbols
Shift lights removed from all road cars other than RaceAbout
OutGauge : Dashboard lights reported in new OutGaugePack fields
Included "Latino" translation : South American / Mexican Spanish
New command : /view reload - reload a custom view without saving
New command : /view save - save any changes made to a custom view
Mouse steer/look/axes now relative to interface (not entire screen)
Window size and position now restored after full screen or exit LFS
Cleaned up code : window create / resize / switch to full screen

Fixes :

FIX : Car shake when following in SHIFT+U mode with above 100 fps
FIX : Roll in SHIFT+U mode was not reported in InSim IS_CPP packet
FIX : Car shake when using left mouse in SHIFT+U to adjust position
FIX : Full width external views option was not saved in config file
FIX : Dedicated host did not save skins used in MPR (for downloads)
FIX : SoftTH users could not click side screen interface buttons
FIX : Overhead text (driver names) appeared too late in mirrors
FIX : Zoom keys could change screen angle setting (now limited)
FIX : LX4 number plate no longer intersects with spare tyre

Changes from Z to Z18 :

Improved multiple monitor and curved screen support :

The number of left and right screens can be manually entered in the
View Options screen and you can set the angle between monitors.

If you specify more than one screen, multiple views are rendered in
different directions. This allows much wider fields of view.

2 screens - maximum FOV 180 degrees
3 screens - maximum FOV 270 degrees
4 or more screens - maximum FOV 360 degrees

The FOV slider does not set the total field of view. Instead, you
set the FOV of the main screen. LFS then calculates each screen's
field of view and offset according to your settings.

Use "Screen angle" setting to specify the angle between monitors.

Use "View offset" to move the steering wheel off centre.

As before, there are two separate sets of settings. Wide mode
becomes active when the screen width is 3 or more times the height.
Normal mode and wide mode have all the same settings, but normal
mode defaults to 1 screen, while wide mode defaults to 3 screens.

To reproduce the old single projection 3 three screen mode, either
- set the number of left and right screens to zero, or
- set left and right screens to 1 and set "Screen angle" to zero.

A curved screen can be supported by setting the number of left and
right screens to the maximum of 5 each. This 11 screen setup is
an approximate cylindrical projection, ideal for curved screens.

Various other setups can now be properly supported, for example :

- A 2 screen setup with side screen at 30 degrees and offset wheel
- A 5 screen setup with each screen at 45 degrees - total FOV 225
- A 3 projector setup with each screen at 90 degrees - total FOV 270

Note :

External views (TV, helicopter and SHIFT+U mode) are always drawn as
a single render and usually confined to the 2D interface area.

Related settings :

Option to force external views to use full width
Bezel compensation - to allow for the gap between monitors
Screen widths - for centre and side screens with a different width

Other changes to view system :

Two button look (left + right) is now double the one button look and
this allows up to 180 degrees look (like old versions of LFS).

Rear look (instant 180 degree view from centre of car) is now the
same on all cars (no longer shows a virtual mirror) but is disallowed
if the host activates forced cockpit view.

Cockpit view Z-buffering improved so you should not usually see
missing parts of your seat or the car body when looking around.

Graphics :

Improved wheel drawing system including rotating brake discs
Formula BMW wheels updated to use the new wheel drawing system
Headlights and tail lights can now be switched on by pressing '3'
Improved shadows - sharper and ambient shadow effect now included
Slight increase in wheels LOD reduction distance (increases detail)
Increased maximum value of Mirror LOD user setting (default now 0.3)
Virtual dash uses symbols (soon to be implemented on real dashboards)
FIX : Physics objects & smoke can now be seen through your windscreen
FIX : Turn signals were switched off if car received any damage
FIX : Lightmap (lighting on cars) was positioned inaccurately

Interface :

Click car arrow on small map to view that car
Blue and yellow flags removed from cruise mode
Connections list is now shown in alphabetical order
New key : SHIFT+Z to show the mouse cursor when it would be hidden
Names in race position list can now be clicked to view that player
V / TAB / P / HOME / F1 / F2 / F3 / F / SHIFT+M / N work in options
Direction to turn and speed limit is shown when leaving pit garage
New text command /showmouse [yes/no] does the same as SHIFT+Z
Improved order of "sort by version number" in List of Hosts
New message from host replaces "Did not receive guest info"
Progress indicator for skin downloads while joining a host
Unlock screen : clear button to remove name and password
FIX : F12 tyre display for remote car could go off screen
FIX : Central message sub-text disappeared in escape menu
FIX : Colour extended into skin download progress indicator

Autocross :

New key : SHIFT+O to enter options from SHIFT+U mode
FIX : Autocross editor buttons were wrongly scaled with the interface
FIX : Selected object in editor vanished behind anything transparent
FIX : Could cross finish line without passing all route checkers
FIX : Autocross route checkers only worked for one lap

Training :

Included Slovenian translation of training lessons
FIX : Short cuts were possible in slalom course training

Misc :

Implemented ABS brakes in XRG / RB4 / FXO / XRT / FZ5
Misc option "Shadow generation" to select optimal shadow draw
InSim : Traction Control and ABS are now reported in IS_NPL packet
InSim : New packets to start / search replays and take screenshots

Fixes :

FIX : Crash in game setup screen after removing a player
FIX : MPR buffer overflow vulnerability (reported by muhaa - thanks)
FIX : Skin names containing a '.' could not be loaded in LFS
FIX : MRT5 gear indicator and fuel gauge are now visible
FIX : LFS could crash when many cars were in view (e.g. during MPR)
FIX : Vista 64 power save switched off monitor in full screen mode
FIX : No response in List of Hosts after failing to join a host
FIX : Follower view angle setting changed when LFS restarted
FIX : Closing X connects (message in List of Hosts screen)
FIX : Mouse steering was stuck on full lock after minimising window
FIX : Player name was wrong in entry screen on entry or after replay
FIX : Added checks to prevent guests joining with no user name or ID
FIX : OOS starting race after joining autocross host in entry screen


PATCH Z to Z20 (Version Z must already be installed) : ... me=LFS_PATCH_Z_TO_Z20.exe (3.1 MB)

DEDICATED HOST Z21 (non-graphical version for hosting only) : (1.6 MB)

EDIT : I forgot to update the patch docs with the new InSim.txt - now attached (with new dashboard lights output)
Attached files
InSim.txt - 57.7 KB - 1107 views
awww alot better

can open it now without problems thy
No more flickering for me
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Works!

E: Well, my old cfg still doesnt work.. it still flickers.

I think that nothings wrong with lfs itself, its just the cfg files. So, If you just include a blank cfg with the next patches them I'm sure that everybody has to change their options back to what they want, but wont have any problems with it

Maybe that Z19 caused the cfg to go wrong.

One strange thing I noticed in your cfg file is the "Window" line which specifies an 8 pixel wide window. Maybe try deleting that line. Probably won't make any difference though...
#6 - bbman
No problem with W7 and Shift+F4 on my end... Good work!
#7 - WIGGA
I would really like to know how to set up a dual monitor setup. I have two 22" Samsung TFT's with a resolution of 1680x1050 each.

Okay, now I activate the second screen (right) but the only thing that happens is that everything get streched on one monitor but the other just shows one part of my desktop.

My OS is Vista Ultimate x64. I would really like to know how to set the resolution to 3360x1050...
Quote from Scawen :Maybe that Z19 caused the cfg to go wrong.

One strange thing I noticed in your cfg file is the "Window" line which specifies an 8 pixel wide window. Maybe try deleting that line. Probably won't make any difference though...

Ah, deleting that line helped.

Why was that line different on my cfg file?

Btw, good night and thanks for the great patches so far!
I was wrong saying that was an 8 pixel wide window. 8 was the left edge. The "Window" line goes : left, top, right, bottom.

So your window when you start LFS went from 8 to 1672. But that is more than your actual desktop.

Maybe setting the "right" value of those 4 numbers (the third number) wider than your actual screen resolution causes a reproducable bug?
Changing the third one one to a higher value doesnt do the bug. Changing the 8 "the first one" to 80 did fix it.

E: 7 and 9 also works, its like it hates the value 8
Quote from WIGGA :I would really like to know how to set up a dual monitor setup. I have two 22" Samsung TFT's with a resolution of 1680x1050 each.

Okay, now I activate the second screen (right) but the only thing that happens is that everything get streched on one monitor but the other just shows one part of my desktop.

My OS is Vista Ultimate x64. I would really like to know how to set the resolution to 3360x1050...

First you have to run your graphics driver software and set your desktop is on two screens.

Then go into LFS and if you can see a mode "3360x1050" that is the one you need. Only problem is I think it may be impossible in Vista.

If you can do that, then set up your screens in LFS.
Thanks for your night work Scawen, it works here on Windows 7 x86.

Now go and take rest, everyone needs sleep
It's friday after midnight (or early saturday morning if you will) and Scawen is still working on LFS. Looks like a crunch-time to me. Something big must be boiling in them Scavier pots.

I have a WinXP laptop with 2GB of ram and nVidia GeForce go7300 + Intel Pentium 1.73GHz. Everything is running smooth at 1920x1200@ around 40 FPS.

What I meant to say by this is "Good job! And now take a nap." Workoholism combined with perfectionism is a bitch, I know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for the patch Scawen, everything works as it should. The new screen controls are very good.
I noticed that RAC has a working odometer and the oil pressure gauge works on all cars which have one. I couldn't find these changes in the list.
Quote from Scawen :Mouse steer/look/axes now relative to interface (not entire screen)

Can you make that an option?

[Mouse Steer]
Relative to: (Entire Screen / Window Size)
No more problems with the full screen thing.

I still have the stuck busy cursor thing I reported in the Z19 thread. It's weird, it didn't happen in Z18. But I did some further testing and it seems that moving the cursor outside the main screen fixes it. When starting LFS in Z18 the cursor is in the left side monitor and in Z20 it's in the middle monitor. So could be that the same thing happens in Z18 too, but it's impossible to see because the cursor is in the side monitor which instantly fixes it.

Not a huge thing and it could very well be SoftTH's fault, but just thought I'd let you know.
Read plz
I found some little thing, too!

If you press "3" for permanent light and you brake for example with the XRR, the rear brake-lights just get brighter while braking.

Shouldn't it be the same with the front lights if you press "g" for the flashing light? Shouldn't the front light even just get brighter?

And I got a question on G27:
Will LFS eventually support the Shiftindicator-LEDs?
Quote from phoenixIlooka :
Shouldn't it be the same with the front lights if you press "g" for the flashing light? Shouldn't the front light even just get brighter?

No, because your options of light settings are; Full Beam, or Off, at least, this is what I understand.

For this to work, the '3' would need to be dipped beam.
u know the hazzard light thing that blinks both arrows? EX when u press 7 both blink why not make the one just point < way blink instead of both?
Nice update, especially liking the electronic feel to dashboard. Not having any problems but a suggestion is to add "3 - Turn headlights/taillights On" in the Options - Controls menu to the list of commands.
Nice work, thanks.
Quote from breadfan :It's friday after midnight (or early saturday morning if you will) and Scawen is still working on LFS. Looks like a crunch-time to me. Something big must be boiling in them Scavier pots.

or there is nothing to watch on tv

no probs here

win 7 285 Gtx
On My PC LFS is still flickering, when i start it.

My "Window" line shows these figures: Window 80 80 1104 848

I tried to delete it, but it did not help.

My OS is Vista Home Premium 64Bit, if that would help you.
Works great, no crashes or weird anomalies here.

I did notice that the oil gauge in the RAC goes up and down like crazy. Was it like this before? I did like the trip meter on the dash though.
Careful not to over do it Scawen. Your health is a lot more important than LFS.
This thread is closed

Test Patch Z20 (online compatible)
(252 posts, closed, started )