The online racing simulator
LFS Rallypack has been found!
(16 posts, started )
LFS Rallypack has been found!
#2 - Tukko
damn you cheks I almost got an heart attack
Cool, but why not post this in the Bug forum so this won't go unseen....
How is this a bug? I've played up there before too, it's fun.
Hole in the track? :zombie:
thats not a bug.. thats just a hill that turns into a tire barrier.. i've been up there many times.. tried to get an MRT in a uf1k once by doing that.. didnt work... same reason as to why we cant get our cars interlocked is why it didnt work that needs to be fixed
I don't see how driving outside of the track BEHIND a barrier like this is not a bug

Unless you guys really think this is clearly possible, or should be possible with any car in reallife, you must be playing with too many Hotwheels then.

1) Car can drive up and behind the barriers

2) Car can drive up there on the grass, up against the tire barrier, and is driving like a roller coaster on rails. Not to mention the entry and exits have a texture seam which looks unfinished.... as if a chainlink fence or barrier should be there (which it should, as any real track would these days).

3) People saying this is not a bug, when it is clearly an easy task to do this stupid trick. A lot of the out-of-bounds tricks with some of the LFS tracks need to be fixed anyways. So continue saying it isn't a bug, because it is a bug the way I see it :rolleyes:

Is 3 reasons why this needs to be fixed.
you dont stick like rails, the tire barrier comes up a couple of inches where the ground just .. stops, so you cant really go inward more than the tire barrier lets you, and once you do... well, say your prayers cause you'll probably spin out and do some damage

i dont see how its not possible to go up a hill in a car..
Ok, I guess people don't take this as a professional simulation then. The car doesn't come up over the tire barrier or get any friction from the sides of the tires, it is just using the wall as a guide with hardly any complications at all. Mind you, that it is stuck up there the entire time and the car can accelerate just fine.... Yeah, maybe lets make a new Aston track called Aston XCNuse, just so you could have it your way :rolleyes:.

And what gives... comment about a car going up a hill, where did I ever say that was unrealistic? Or where did I mention anything about a hill itself period? Really dumb to think that I don't know a car can drive up a hill XC.... The fact that the car is driving up near the granstands and behind a barrier for a pretty long distance is just silly to see... let alone very unprofessional if LFS were to keep its professional appeal. The last thing we need is dumb tricks like this... like what happened with NkPro.
there should be something blocking cars from going up and round the back there and sticking like glues to the tyre barrier. heres my suggestion.

just make the cars fall through the floor and reset
okay.. its professional.. okay, so then whats unprofessional about a realistic approach to.. how things are made in the world? i still dont see how that area is unrealistic..
you have to show me a replay or something to show me what you find unreal about it, because i've been up there many a times and its.. just as normal as anywhere else.. i guess im just confused about what your argument is
Quote from richy :there should be something blocking cars from going up and round the back there and sticking like glues to the tyre barrier. heres my suggestion.

just make the cars fall through the floor and reset

richy at least grasps the idea of what I am saying.

Basically have something that blocks you from even doing such a thing... because otherwise, we just have people doing this and it looks bad (also not just how it looks, but how it performs while being up there). You could at least block someone from going up here somehow, then there wouldn't be wierd car behaviour in question like right now.

For the limitations LFS has right now in many areas, specifically damage, it'd be best if such things were not possible... and the only way to restrict you from doing stuff like this is to with some kind of barrier... how hard can that be? Otherwise, we just have holes that people can use as examples or opinions against LFS.
in that case how about we just block off everything that isnt within 10 feet of the track lol

i think thats what makes games better.. well.. more realistic atleast, if you remembered from the GTR demo, on Spa, there were these holes in the armco that you could go through and drive around the infield quite a bit and even around the backside of the pits, i personally see that as something.. way more fun, and totally realistic since that IS possible in life

so i personally dont see why that should be blocked off for the sake of the image of LFS.. plus.. i cant say i've ever seen many people go up there.. besides myself that one time with roadhog and.. someone else
Quote from XCNuse :in that case how about we just block off everything that isnt within 10 feet of the track lol

i think thats what makes games better.. well.. more realistic atleast, if you remembered from the GTR demo, on Spa, there were these holes in the armco that you could go through and drive around the infield quite a bit and even around the backside of the pits, i personally see that as something.. way more fun, and totally realistic since that IS possible in life

so i personally dont see why that should be blocked off for the sake of the image of LFS.. plus.. i cant say i've ever seen many people go up there.. besides myself that one time with roadhog and.. someone else

GTL is like that, you can drive around infield and outfield of most the tracks. Love it. Great idea. Makes the tracks feel more realistic as you're not locked on the track only... I love making my own short "AutoX" tracks using the infield foot paths - lol, its great fun.... FUN being the keyword. Not everything has to be serious all the time and if LFS was, it would be deleted from my harddrive.

As for the video, I've used to have FUN up there when S2 first came to us - love it and in fact until now had forgotten about that spot

I know you guys would characterize something like this as fun... but those examples where you can drive on other games are places that are at least believeable! Driving in the paddock is nothing to complain about.... but driving up on the slope rubbing against the tire barriers is not the same situation.

I'll only be happy once LFS has very complex damage, and such things will not be possible... that is the way it should be. Take the FE Club chicane jump for example... imagine a car splattering into pieces ON the launch, and on the landing . Then that would be fun and seem real. Otherwise, the way the game is that makes these things possible just shows we are in need of some better damage. The damage is like having a tank right now.
You mean a squishy tank

In the argument of realism previously used by yourself, that chicane jump at FE Club should be closed off! (although I love that spot and don't mean that statement, rather it was a cheap shot at Tweak meant in good humour)

Please don't hurt me.

LFS Rallypack has been found!
(16 posts, started )