I'm still not sure about it being the pots on the pedals, the only time the pedals have done this is with the BF1. They have never behaved like this with any other car & and all my testing shows 100% on the throttle.
Yes, I know these Red & Black Formula Forces are getting on a bit and it is a possiblity ( and maybe a good excuse to get a DFP ) but it still seems strange that others are getting similar problems with the same car.
Also, I'd definitely notice it with the UF1 when your always at full throttle ( + choke !! )
Anyone like to give me a DFP to test ???
Yes, I know these Red & Black Formula Forces are getting on a bit and it is a possiblity ( and maybe a good excuse to get a DFP ) but it still seems strange that others are getting similar problems with the same car.
Also, I'd definitely notice it with the UF1 when your always at full throttle ( + choke !! )
Anyone like to give me a DFP to test ???