Hello everybody 
I think that title is allmost everything i want to present
... I think it would be lovely to change continuance (i hope it says what i want
) and time of clutching curve to each car and separately for down shift and upshift, when using sequental shifting... I found out this when i was driving light cars (MRT, LX4, LX6, RAC) especialy when dowshifting, even when I use thortle exactly in time of clutching to compensate revs of engine and transmission, but at low gears its allmost impossible because of short time of automatic clutching
I hope this idea wasnot here before, I was searching and i didnot find anything like this, so please dont kill me if this "feature" was discused before
Sorry for my EN

I think that title is allmost everything i want to present

I hope this idea wasnot here before, I was searching and i didnot find anything like this, so please dont kill me if this "feature" was discused before

Sorry for my EN