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5th Gear Axed!
(56 posts, started )
#26 - SamH
::shakes head in mild disbelief:: Oh dear, Alan.. you can't handle anything more than the simplest of sentence structures
Quote from SamH :::shakes head in mild disbelief:: Oh dear, Alan.. you can't handle anything more than the simplest of sentence structures

Is that how you want to play by making personal insults? Is that all you've got?
Quote from Intrepid : ... th_gear_tv_show_axed.html

I do enjoy Top Gear, and don't particularly enjoy 5th Gear (even though Plato gives best car reviews out of both programmes), this goes to show (if the story is correct) when you have a public subsidised power house like the BBC other businesses who want to do something similar can't compete But hey what do I know not like I said shit like this will happen!

5th gear gives Real buying advice, ill be sad to see it go but happen tiff nedels out of a job
Quote from Boris Lozac :That's a shame, i would love Tiff to join Top Gear..

Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :Forget Fifth gear, I want Tiff Gear!

Not seen the old Top Gear's then? Tiff was one of the presenters...

Quote from Wikipedia :
Needell is best known in the United Kingdom as a television presenter and television and print motoring journalist, in particular in association with the BBC TV series Top Gear which he started co-hosting in 1987. In 2001, when the BBC cancelled Top Gear (the show was brought back in 2002), Tiff and the whole cast defected and signed with Five to produce and host a new motoring show named Fifth Gear. He does however, still contribute to Top Gear magazine.

Quote from theirishnoob :5th gear gives Real buying advice...

Yes they did and it was one of their biggest mistakes. The idea of relying on a TV programme for buying advice is insane. I wouldn't dream of buying a car based on a 6 minute article on telly when there is an infinite source of information available on the net.

I really wanted 5th Gear to do well as we desparately need something to push Top Gear, but it was so frustrating to watch because they often had good ideas but completely wasted them.

They had several pieces which would have been great springboards to campaign for motorists, especially on things such as real road safety. They could have pointed out the stupidity of the Speed Kills campaign for example. Instead they persisted with painfully dull 'stunt' features, crashes and explosions which are typically the domain of late night cable channels.

Why they thought emulating awful shows like "Hollywood's Greatest Stunts" was a good idea I will never understand.

The production values were fine considering their budget, and the Tiff vs. Plato bits were good fun, but I found myself having to watch it recorded so I could fast forward through the endless "coming up next" and competition segments that only served to illustrate how much they struggled to fill an hour.

It could have been so good.
#31 - 5haz
Seriously, who gives a stuff about wether the BBC have a monopoly or not?

So long as there is good TV is on, why should it matter?

5th gear was alright I suppose, but I wont shed too many tears over its lifeless corpse. Durbster essentially sums it up, there was too many crashing stuff in a scientific manner.

And yeah Top Gear is getting a bit lazy and resting on its laurels.
Quote from 5haz :Seriously, who gives a stuff about wether the BBC have a monopoly or not?

Who gives a stuff? How about the thousands of people who are employed in the broadcasting/media industry who struggle to get by while their competition gets free money to do what it wants with almost no accountability. How about the thousands of businesses that rely upon tv channels as a way to market their product creating jobs and prosperity. Mind you who cares about people losing their jobs, and having to claim benefit putting more strain upon the system At least we can watch crap TV shows with no ad breaks!

I said this MANY freakin' times and NONE of you listened I think I even used 5th Gear as an example to illustrate my point. TV shows like this will go down the drain when they are at an unfair disadvantage.
#33 - 5haz
Ha ha, yeah I'm sure they're all starving in their little huts.

Don't think that independant television doesn't churn out some serious profits too. In '08 ITV made a net income of over £2 billion, hardly strapped for cash.

5th gear was axed because it was unpopular with the people, this is not entirely down to budget, some very good programs/films et cetera can be created on relatively minute budgets. Your opinion that BBC TV is crap is exactly that: your opinion. It is not fact and it does not represent the opinions of the rest of us who live on planet earth.

People are listening to you, they're pointing and laughing too.
Quote from 5haz :
Don't think that independant television doesn't churn out some serious profits too. In '08 ITV made a net profit of over 2 Billion, hardly strapped for cash.

Don't make up stats. 2 billion is an utterly outrageous figure. Think about dividing that figure by 10, and you might get close. [EDIT, you edited your post to say income]

This is just one example of where ITV are struggling. Also, they're having to cut the majority of their local broadcasting, and could possibly get some of what they call 'top slicing' of the TV licence fee. No matter what you say, commercial TV is in trouble and the BBC is indeed far too big for its boots. Yes, it makes decent enough TV, but we need competition if this quality is to continue. Or we'll just end up with Strictly Come Dancing for eternity.
Quote from 5haz :...

Ok let me make this a little more relevant. Do you know why the UK is struggling to maintain a Grand Prix? It's because other countries whose circuits are subsidised by their Government can outbid the UK private industry (Donington/Silverstone) and give Bernie more money. This is no different to the situation private broadcastors find themselves in.

Are you saying that you support this principle - Public subsidised industry putting private industry out of business? I kinda like having a British GP, you appear not too with your principles.

The majority aren't is laughing my viewpoints are not unique... not by any means!
Quote from 5haz :. In '08 ITV made a net income of over £2 billion, hardly strapped for cash.

A simple business term - Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.

In 2008 ITV made £167m profit pre-tax which was a 40% drop from 2007! These are quite significant falls in profit forcing them to FIRE 600 staff this year!
Quote from Intrepid :A simple business term - Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.

In 2008 ITV made £167m profit pre-tax which was a 40% drop from 2007! These are quite significant falls in profit forcing them to FIRE 600 staff this year!

Jeez you really won't let this go will you. The BBC is not killing commercial TV - the Internet is killing commercial TV.

And neither killed 5th Gear - it killed itself.
Quote from durbster :Jeez you really won't let this go will you. The BBC is not killing commercial TV - the Internet is killing commercial TV

Yes that is a factor but don't discount the larger effect the BBC has on the industry.

But once again the BBC has a gigantic public subsidised internet site which makes it extremely difficult for businesses to compete in several aspects that you wouldn't even imagine. I know from personal experience on that one.
#39 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :Ok let me make this a little more relevant. Do you know why the UK is struggling to maintain a Grand Prix? It's because other countries whose circuits are subsidised by their Government can outbid the UK private industry (Donington/Silverstone) and give Bernie more money. This is no different to the situation private broadcastors find themselves in.

Are you saying that you support this principle - Public subsidised industry putting private industry out of business? I kinda like having a British GP, you appear not too with your principles.

No thats because the show is run by some old git called Bernie who moved the GP from a venue which could securely hold a GP to one which couldn't. For no other reason than because of his stupid personal vendettas against the BDRC.

I've been to Silverstone and the place is perfectly modern and clean enough to host a GP, Bernie's hatred of the organisers and his unreasonable demands for money are why Britain is struggling to keep a GP. With someone of sound mind at the helm Britain would not be struggling at all.
Quote from 5haz : I've been to Silverstone and the place is perfectly modern and clean enough to host a GP, Bernie's hatred of the organisers is why Britain is struggling to keep a GP.

Bernie has come out and said quite frankly the UK tax-payer should subsidise the British Grand Prix. It's bernies business he can ask what he wants! The fact that Governments subsidise GPs around the world means naturally he can demand more cash!

If the BRDC could stump up the cash he wanted he wouldn't have a problem at all - no vendettas.

But as a private enterprise the BRDC are competing against the governments of Singapore etc... they are in an impossible position! A position you seem to support - government subsidised industry and the destruction of the British GP!
#41 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :A simple business term - Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.

In 2008 ITV made £167m profit pre-tax which was a 40% drop from 2007! These are quite significant falls in profit forcing them to FIRE 600 staff this year!

Wow, Intrepid actually backing stuff up with fact for once.

You don't seem to realise that there are a lot more things influencing the profits of Independant Television than the BBC, there is the recession which is likelytomake it harder to find advertising, amongst other things.

The ITV has lived alongside the BBC its entire life, what is the overall trend with profits for the ITV, is it an increasing one, which has only began to drop recently? Has the BBC changed in any way between the years 2007-2008 which could affect the ITV? (The BBC gained the GP between 2008-2009, so don't try that one)

How can a recent drop in profits for the ITV be linked to the BBC, when nothing has happened at the BBC which it could be linked to?

Quote from Intrepid :Bernie has come out and said quite frankly the UK tax-payer should subsidise the British Grand Prix. It's bernies business he can ask what he wants! The fact that Governments subsidise GPs around the world means naturally he can demand more cash!

If the BRDC could stump up the cash he wanted he wouldn't have a problem at all - no vendettas.

But as a private enterprise the BRDC are competing against the governments of Singapore etc... they are in an impossible position! A position you seem to support - government subsidised industry and the destruction of the British GP!

So you think its ok for Bernie to ask for whatever he wants, but not the BBC? And its the other way round, governments subsidise GPs because of Bernie's unreasonable demands, which make it impossible for most of said nations to find enough people willing to put money into a motorsport venue. Hence why alot of newer GPs take place in countries which traditionally have avery small motorsports fanbase and industry.

If you want to see a real monopoly, it is in F1, Bernie calls all the shots as the boss of the F1 management and so can get away with charging ridiculous amounts. In TV making there are lots of independant companies (Endemol et cetera) who make programs on behalf of the TV companies, because of this competition things are competetively priced.

Comparisons can't be drawn between the TV situation and the British GP because the cost of hosting a GP is massively in excess of what it needs to be because there isno competition, whereas the cost of making TV programs is not.

F1 is a monopoly, British TV isn't. I think you need to look up the term monopoly, it means an absolute control of the market, which the BBC dosen't have. It may have the majority share, but it dosen't have a monopoly.

People lose jobs from companies around the world every day for all sorts of reasons, do you weep for them as well? Just get over it and enjoy whats on TV.
(5haz) DELETED by 5haz
I don't get the thinking, sure Top Gear is an awesome program but I can not see why that would kill 5th Gear. 5th Gear got axed because it was not good enough, not because of some Highlanderish rule of "There can be only one".

Besides Top Gear has nothing in common with consumer advice TV, at least 5th Gear tried to be objective.
Quote from 5haz : F1 is a monopoly

No it isn't. You can set up your own race series and race on any track you want. But you won't because Bernie is much braver and much more of a risk taker than either your or me.
The problem with your argument Alan, is that Top Gear isnt just any show on the BBC. It's the show that has attracted the largest audience to BBC 2 since Red Dwarf. It has over 350 million viewers world wide.

If you're going to challenge BBC 2, or the BBC in general, then you need to attack all the mediochre programming on it's channel - not something it actually gets right.
It´s allways bad when car program is axed, but Top Gear is there own class
#46 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :No it isn't. You can set up your own race series and race on any track you want. But you won't because Bernie is much braver and much more of a risk taker than either your or me.

There is only one Formula 1.

And you can set up your own broadcasting company of you want, there is no legislation stopping you.

If you set up your own race series, you'll really struggle to compete with F1 because it has all the prestige and history, oh booohooo, Bernie has a monopoly because we can't compete, aparrently thats acceptable in racing but not in TV?
#47 - Jakg
I didn't chose to watch BBC instead of watching 5th Gear - I just didn't turn my TV on full stop.
Top Gear is entertaining, even to those that don't particularly like cars. I'm sure a large percentage of people that watch it wouldn't watch car shows.

Fifth Gear is, by it's nature (in the post-Top Gear copy days), is for car enthusiasts. It is therefore relatively niche. And by its very nature, the ratings will be lower. And ratings are everything, especially for a commercial channel. But the BBC, the licence fee or anything else has nothing to do with this.
Quote from tristancliffe :Fifth Gear is, by it's nature (in the post-Top Gear copy days), is for car enthusiasts. It is therefore relatively niche.

it was also relatively shite
i think i watched one season of it which was about how much time it took me to decided that what i saw wasnt just one episode they got wrong
I'll miss it, I used to love the dogfights between Tiff and Plates. =/

5th Gear Axed!
(56 posts, started )