Trust me on this one. Its not worth trying to find a girl at this age..... They are all sluts and immature, and 90% of the time you will break up couple months later and go through this stupid "depression" cycle which is not fun....
Wait a couple of years. Not saying that you shouldnt hang out with girls, just that its not exactly worth going further than that.
That is my opinion anyway..... From my own experience and what I have seen happen with my friends.....
Not saying that all the girls are like that. Most of them anyway..... in the UK atleast.....
I have only been in one relationship before now and that was when i was 14 and it really was just a complete pointless relationship. But now am 16 i feel people have matured a bit more now and i feel i have a bit too (even though people would say different). Still things haven't turned out the way I wanted but I guess that's what a relationship is and you just have to work for it if you really want it
I'm 18, but I like older and younger women/girls. Ages 16-26 is fine. Though I doubt any 26yr old (or anyone of any age for that matter :razz would want to go out with me.
Gentlemen, as much as we all love to talk about our private lifes on the intarwebs you must at least attach a picture of some description to your post.
But on the subject of ages - age really doesn't mean nothing. There were immature relationships which lasted weeks when I was 14 and there still are now. I met Ellie when she was 15 and were still together almost 2 years on so...