is it just me or are the XRT rear wheels wider?
Must be you, becauce if, than it would be different physics wise.
looks different definately, looks like they've cut away some of the bodywork or something.
This cant be good
Attached images
Well you've modded the number plate, so the number plate has appeared in a strange place. If it looks okay in LFS then all is fine.
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Well you've modded the number plate, so the number plate has appeared in a strange place. If it looks okay in LFS then all is fine.

yeah ingame its fine

good wheels!
As a single player I can say Z22 works very well. Thanks Scawen.

The traction control indicator in FZ5 is blinking when the gear shifting up such as rev light. But I'm not sure this is a bug.

And just curious.. The number of wheel nuts in XR road cars has been increased. Will it be affect the pitstop timing in comparison with race cars?
#84 - ekze
Quote :Included updated skins and skins

Thank you for that! ^_^
When we use the handbrake, aren't the brake lights supposed to turn on? It always confused me seeing cars stopped on handbrake with all lights off, like they had the engine turned off. I suppose it wouldn't be hard to implement? Just a small observation, which i'm sure Scawen is aware of anyway.
I never saw cars,especially road ones,turn the brake lights on while the handbrake is on.
:o.. I could've sworn they did... nevermind then.
Is there anyway to change the plate sign from GB to anything else? I saw it was in the XRT_texture1 or w/e its called and I changed it but its the same stays with the GB
Quote from Chrisuu01 :This cant be good

Quote from Scawen :

Do not install your CMX Viewer in an LFS folder!

CMX Viewer is not an LFS patch, it is a separate program!


Some questions for devs or moderators..
Are we going to have new wheels and in other cars? like XFG becuse the new XR's wheels are just fantastic!!!!!

The new number plates is only on XRG not on XFG

P.S.:Good job with the "black box" on the back of XR was so ugly before....

Quote from PLAYAPIMP :Is there anyway to change the plate sign from GB to anything else? I saw it was in the XRT_texture1 or w/e its called and I changed it but its the same stays with the GB

Edit the "" that is the right file....

Thank you Scawen
Quote from SouvlakiTheBest :

Are we going to have new wheels and in other cars?

+1 i would like to see new wheels on the RB good work so far
Thanks for a great birthday present Scawen!

Didn't experniced any bugs yet.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Not to nitpick, but I just noticed that there's no rear numberplate lights.

Not really relevant, since the lights don't actually illuminate anything yet.
Thanks. XRG, XRT and XRR wheels are nice.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :LX4 had one exhaust. LX6 had two.

XR rim's look super cool!

Ehm..... sorry but when did LX6 had 2 exhaust???
#96 - senn
LX6 always only had 1 exhaust. The only LX that had two, is the officially unreleased LX8.

The old GTT (XRT) had two back in the day
Im not sure if someone has posted this before but on the custom view where i just shows the wheels the inner part of the wheels are not shown anymore. Like the brake disc, padz and the back side of the rim isnt show or drawing what ever you call it. Just thought id let you know. Post if u need to know more info. This is in patch z22
Its not a bug and it's been like that for quite some time.
Quote from kyler :Im not sure if someone has posted this before but on the custom view where i just shows the wheels the inner part of the wheels are not shown anymore. Like the brake disc, padz and the back side of the rim isnt show or drawing what ever you call it. Just thought id let you know. Post if u need to know more info. This is in patch z22

Oh, there was a discussion about this long time ago. I can't see a problem with it and I'd say - it doesn't show the whole car body, axles, suspensions, why should it show the brakes?
I'm sorry for a double-post.

However, there's a little "bug" in the XR GT wheel texture: the tyre valve interferes in the inner part of the wheel
Attached images
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Test Patch Z22 / Z25 (online compatible)
(492 posts, closed, started )