Regarding the BBC thing, it wouldn't matter who did it the fact that he was given the opportunity to appear on a show of this nature was a marketting coup and whatever channel was in "power" would have made the most of it. Getting rid of the BBC wouldnt change the "monopoly". BBC has a large market share yes, but it's not a monopoly. Additionally, getting rid of it would simply meen some private individual gets control of the market share rather than a government organisation with a published statute.

I know which I preffer, and the lack of adverts is a bonus.
Now onto the subject of immigration. A lot of people in this thread have highlighted they are concerned about the pace of change. To me that's irrellevent, I have always embraced change - I work in I.T. so i'm quite used to it. Infact, I rely on it - i'm only as good as my last few years of work and anything older the technology is so out of date that it does not matter. To me "change" is a natural thing, and i'm unflustered by it.
Yes, I do fear Sharia Law may be in part implemented in the next few years, the reasons are nothing to do with immigration however, they are to do with who has control of the UN Human Rights commission, which currently is a committee of middle east nations with terrible records of human rights. They're currently busy passing UN resolutions which put religion above government, and the effects are now being felt in a very real way. For instance, Ireland is about to finaly pass it's new libel laws after years of it trying to go through - but with a late addition, "Blasphemous Libel". If this law passed here I would be unable to say many of the things I do, I would loose my right to free speach, and no longer be allowed to say "Your God does not exist, you stupid tooth fairy worshipping fruitcake.".
Immigration however is a seperate issue, people are feering that they will become a minory and subsequently loose control. So let's look at this realistically, Britain has the highest rate of immigration per head of population in the world, with about 2.5 times the population quota of the next most "swamped" country, America, and about 10 times the ratio of the next nearest in Europe, Germany.
So we've got half a million immigrants a year coming in, and just under a quarter of a million a year going out, in a population of around 60-65 million. Some of you are uncomfortable with this, why? I believe it is fear of loosing control, loosing your sense of what is British, becoming a minority.
You're not about to become a minority. The current situation of immigration has been born out of EU deregulation on migration. We've had a massive influx of Eastern Europeans, most of whome are now returning home. Eastern European culture is a little different to our own - but not massively so. They're mostly Catholic and on the whole enjoy Western values, or are learning how too since the fall of communism.
Remove that percentage and you get the African and Middle Eastern migrants, I don't have figures of how many that leaves.
Of these, the Africans are split between Muslim and Christian, with a large proportion of Nigerian and Moroccan Muslims. The Middle Eastern migrants of course are mostly Muslim, but they're coming here as refugee's because we blew up their homeland and have a responsibility to take them in now.
Can you tell me what's wrong with this picture?
Because I don't see it, I meen - I see the fear, but then again that is fear that has been fed to you. The press has been echoing the BNP party rhetoric for a long time, and many of you have fallen for it. Much of it is baseless fearmongering because fear and scandal sells newspapers.
Don't believe me?
See for yourself.
I really don't have the same fears as you guys, and I don't really understand your argument. Then again, my fathers-fathers line came from Italy in 1588 and landed in Ireland, and came to Britain only a couple of generations ago. Maybe I am just another migrant, afterall, it wasn't long ago all the fear was being directed at the Irish: There was a war and everything.
Oh and regarding the audience, I saw an internet circular myself - I saw it the day before the show - from the BNP asking it's members to attend.