Hey does anyone know the best in-game setup for an XBox controller....
Wheel Turn degrees
Wheel Turn compensation
Analogue Steer Smooth etc etc....?
Im not doing too bad with the controller but im sure theres got to be a better way to set it up.
With Analogue Steer Smooth = 0 this makes the steering response fast yes, but waaay to twitchy. Using 0 requires that you have the finger accuracy of an android.
Believe me 0.88 is a good number. I used to use about 0.8. Much higher and you notice the wheel lag behind compared to what your stick inputs are.
Also Wheel turn compensation should be at 1.00. Anything like 0 for that and the centre steer area is very over-reactive.
Wheel turn compensation at lowest = 90 degrees. If it's higher the wheel can reach full lock at 3/4 stick input.
Also Xbox controllers seem much more twitchy on the lower part of the input curve compared to PS2 types. I've owned both types and I am not able to even use Xbox types because they are too twitchy. This is okay for console arcade games but for a sim... well it's pretty difficult to be accurate with steering.
The fantastic thing about LFS is you can bring up the controllers/misc menu, hold the cotroller in one hand and tilt the steering stick about half way, then at the same time with your mouse hand drag the sliders around on the Steer Smooth/Wheel Turn/ Wheel compensation options and see actually how they affect the steering responses.
Never before seen another game allow such flexible live adjustments. Even changing AA/resolutions etc does not require a restart.
You don't want wheel lag, thats the same as for a 180 degree wheel you just don't want to use analogue steering input smoothing... Thats like playing an arcade racer in xbox/ps3.
whatever works for you. No on my game machine atm but I have the smoothing on a bit i think and the compensation up also so that it's not so twitchy and makes it easier to turn smooth.
You will prob need to fiddle with the settings to find what works best for you, some settings may feel dead on the more accurate cars like the fox and others may have you oversteering too hard into the first turn.
M8s complain it makes lfs feel too arcadey but like I care, i enjoy it :boing:
Sometimes I just want to do a quick race without hasseling to get my wheel and pedals all set up. (only to get frusterated and put everything back in discust)
Can the Left and Right Triggers be used for Throtel Brake on LFS? I try to use them but LFS will not pick them up when trying to set them up for Controles,