The online racing simulator
MoE Logo + Sunstrip Templates (For Skins)
Well, here you have it! Use these on your skins or wherever. DOWNLOAD BELOW

edit: Removed Tweak's graphics since he clearly doesn't want them used. Undeleted the thread because it contains many others' work.
Thx Tweak.
#3 - Gunn
Nice work there Tweak. :up:
good work tweak thanks
#5 - Fetzo
that totally ruins our skin

worked so hard with the notepad :/.

you dont HAVE to use the logos afaik
#7 - Fetzo
but sunstrip is not using fixedsys :P .

i ll try to handle that .
just like the numberplate
#9 - Fetzo
there is no numberplate mentioned in the rules.

or is this the so called livery i used, wikipedia etc. but i just don't know what hoellsen is talking about .
Livery is the general look, the paintjob including sponsors and everything. You read right, no numberplate mentioned.
numberplate as in "nummernschild"
Quote from Fetzo :but sunstrip is not using fixedsys :P .

i ll try to handle that .

It would still look ok with a white sunstrip and the black text in the template, wouldn't it?
yep its ok, i had to destroy the design for the flags and the "3" on the bumper anyway.

#14 - thd
Thanks a whole lot Tweak
Quote :
Racing liveries must be submitted to the MoE admins for rendering puposes.

ok, here is our skin for the admins and in case someone wants the 1024 res version:
n!faculty MoE skin
Attached images
well, here is a link for a high res version of our skin
here's our ride - not beautiful, not fast but ours... much for the boring FXR's

Ralf Grasser
#2 Twister-Racing

EDIT: forgot the signature once again
Attached images
the easiest way is to put your your signature
Quote from Fetzo :the easiest way is to put your your signature

hehe yes - but then again, i usually do not post for the team, i do post for myself as an idividual.. just helped my team leader with the MoE, because he doesn't visit the english forums and because he's even less talented when it comes to skinning (hard to believe, i know *g*) and i usually do not use my real name...

so i don't want to put that all in my signature
1024x Mercury Kyoto12H skin

Attached images
1024x Pedal to the Metal Skin
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this one should be sticky!
true and done
Great job!