The online racing simulator
AS National Graphics Glitch?
(6 posts, started )
AS National Graphics Glitch?

Please could anyone tell me if they are seeing the same 'white chunks' around the track in the distance on AS National? I have a 7900gt.

I know its small but there are other examples, they are hard to capture but are offputting when driving.

I get these in exactly the same place on every lap so its not an overclocking issue - I have declocked everything to make double sure.

Attached images
I get this too, Radeon 9200 series...
I sometimes think it's a missing polygon, but it appears when you get closer... missing part in LOD?

Oh yea, I guess this belongs in the bugs - tracks forum.
I get this too , I have Radeon X850PE I allways think its a car parked there it only flashes for a split second , I think its just a texture issue and isint a major thing but at least you know others see it too

I get that one, another one on a Fern Bay track and Kyoto GP Long too if I recall right. It's really distracting
Thanks guys, one unforeseen problem with overclocking is that it makes you paranoid!

I guess this really should be moved to the bugs section please admin?
yeah its a known bug with many tracks. same with the lines that can be seen on fernbay if you use AA and AF or the white patches on the city tracks.

AS National Graphics Glitch?
(6 posts, started )