#1 - sgb27
Can't get OutSim packets from InSim
I'm using InSim from C++ and all is working fine, but I need to get the position of the car for my particular app. I sent the "SSP" command and inside LFS I get the message "Outsim enabled", but then I cannot detect any received OutSim packets from my app, ever.

I'm probably doing something obvious wrong, but am I right in thinking that when OutSim is enabled from InSim it (OutSim) will send the packets to the same place as InSim sends its replies?

Secondly (this was asked before on here but no answer), in InSim.txt it says you can detect outsim packets by length 64 and first byte zero. But in Readme.txt it says the first "int" is the time in ms, and the toal length is 68 bytes (including Game ID). My assumption is that when enabling OutSim from InSim, GameID won't be sent (making it 64 bytes) and the first byte of the time will always be zero. Is this correct?

So I am left unable to work out why I'm not getting any packets from OutSim. Any ideas or something I can test?
#2 - sgb27
OK I fixed it. What I think the problem was is that when I send the init packet to InSim, I set the reply port to 0 (which means send replies back to where they came from). For some reason when OutSim sees this, it does not send the packets to the same port (maybe it sends them to port 0, is that possible?).

Anyway, I set up two separate sockets (one for tx and one for rx) and it works fine now. I hope this answer will be useful to someone else at some point!
Awsome, not very many people answer their own question on here, and even fewer tell other's there answer.