The online racing simulator
Quote from KSheppard :Can lapper be configured to manage a multi-class start?

What I'd like is to have all the cars enabled and as an example have say 3-fxo's, 4-fox's & 4-bf1's on the track then a) have the fxo's start first - third, the fox's fourth - seventh, the bf1's eighth - eleventh b)in order as per their qualify positions within their own grouping and c) held back from starting until the previous group is a reasonable time away.

Yes I know this puts the fast cars at the back but it's the hardest so I thought I would at least ask... besides a normal qualify puts the fast cars up front - where's the fun in that

In any InSim you can only tell if a vehicle is moving, you cannot disable their controls, force brake etc and if they join the race late, then they start in the pits. Even if they do move, you have limited options as to what you can do...apply a time/drive through penalty or spec them.
Quote from Krayy :In any InSim you can only tell if a vehicle is moving, you cannot disable their controls, force brake etc and if they join the race late, then they start in the pits. Even if they do move, you have limited options as to what you can do...apply a time/drive through penalty or spec them.

or kick

and as he was saying there is

Event OnFalseStartL1

Event OnFalseStartL2

in the lpr
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :or kick

and as he was saying there is

Event OnFalseStartL1

Event OnFalseStartL2

in the lpr

That function reponds to a normal false start in LFS, i.e. moving before the green light. It won't allow any kind of staggered start.

The one thing I could suggest is having a physical person as a race controller. All racers would start in a "no start" group, then the race controller could move tem into a "go" group which would flash a start message on the drivers screen. This is of course would need buy-in from the racers as they would need to wait for these messages after the normal LFS start procedure.
For some reason I can't start a new thread in this forum.
I have a problem. I'm from Ukraine and I want to use russian symbols in my lapper cfg. In ver. 5.54 I used to write "^C" brfore my russian text, but now I use lapper 5.716 and this does't seem to work. Please somebody tell me how can I put russian symbols in my cfg file
Can anybody help me by posting a 64 bit version of teh lapper mod for me here? as I am not a computer programmer.

Thank you in advance.
Wildcard for Username
Hi Gai, sorry not been around but work has been mad. I have a problem I hope you can solve.

I have created a Voting System so drivers can vote for a track change each month on [AKM] Racing UK 3. It saves the vote and then adds the following to the database so drivers can't vote twice.....

SetStoredValue($UserName . "_Server_3_Voted", "Yes");

My problem is how to reset the value to No each month so drivers can vote again. I need a wildcard for UserName like.....

SetStoredValue("*_Server_3_Voted", "Yes");

So anything where the * is ignored and it searches for _Server_3_Voted and sets its value to No. I need it to run thro database changing all to No so drivers can start voting again.

I also think with the release of the new LFS update we are going to have to reset all the PB's in our databases as new tyre structure is going to make the cars slower from what I have read.

Sorry for such a long message, hope you can understand what I mean by a wildcard.

I also cannot get !who to work, its displays but doesn't fill it with drivers.

Thanks for your time
Quote from Andy King :
I also cannot get !who to work, its displays but doesn't fill it with drivers.

Thanks for your time

easy fix (i think) make all ur $userName s $UserName
Thanks for your response but already did that
Quote from Andy King :Thanks for your response but already did that

Hey there Andy,

If you are using !who, you need to maek sure (in the current Lapper anyway) that "pitboard.lpr" is in the includes file and that pitboards are set to True in the includes.lpr file. This becasue the !who command uses the user_array data structure that is defined in the pitboard.lpr. I moved it out of there to stop being dependant on it.

About the voting data structures, I did a large rewrite of the stored values database that I'll post the latest version into the forum topic dedicated to that function. It will allow setting the var on individuals rather than in a genral storage area and allow fro bulk updates.
Quote from Krayy :If you are using !who, you need to maek sure (in the current Lapper anyway) that "pitboard.lpr" is in the includes file and that pitboards are set to True in the includes.lpr file. This becasue the !who command uses the user_array data structure that is defined in the pitboard.lpr. I moved it out of there to stop being dependant on it.

i have set the pitboards to true and i have changed the $Username what
Fire_optikz001 said
but it still doesnt work
couls u send me the files to get it work?????
hmmm now lapper crashes when i do !who :<
Quote from Krayy :Hey there Andy,

If you are using !who, you need to maek sure (in the current Lapper anyway) that "pitboard.lpr" is in the includes file and that pitboards are set to True in the includes.lpr file. This becasue the !who command uses the user_array data structure that is defined in the pitboard.lpr. I moved it out of there to stop being dependant on it.

I don't use the PitBoard inbuilt I have my own. Could you post what u moved and where to please.

Quote :About the voting data structures, I did a large rewrite of the stored values database that I'll post the latest version into the forum topic dedicated to that function. It will allow setting the var on individuals rather than in a genral storage area and allow fro bulk updates.

Please post the Forum url when you have posted it.

I have another question....
Is it possible to add UserNames to a text file using LFS text box, by pressing T and typing !Add_Registration Andy King and it adds my Username to a defined Text file in !Add_Registration

Thanks guys
Hi all again...

I have lot of questions for U all from lot of time ago; now it's time to ask help (it isn't the first time..)
  • I setup autorestart and rotate track system
$VoteLifeSec = 30;
$AutoRestartRaceSec = 60;
$EnableRotation = true;
$RotateTracks = "SO4,AS1R,FE1,BL1";
$RotateEveryNbRaces = 6;
$RotateCars = "LX4";

but after few seconds of race start, the server restart the race again!
  • I really do not understand how to insert .dbs or .elp values into a mysql db, or read them in a php page, also if I have a linux, apache2, php5 hosting server I cannot find any help on how to read and show them
  • I use the racepoint system but I can't set it how I need.
    This is my league points system, any help?
    place 1 points 50
    2 40
    3 32
    4 26
    5 22
    6 20
    7 18
    8 16
    9 14
    10 12
    11 10
    12 8
    13 6
    14 4
    15 2
I know I'm boring, but I spent so much time trying to fix these settings that now I'm really demoralized
Quote from Andy King :
Is it possible to add UserNames to a text file using LFS text box, by pressing T and typing !Add_Registration Andy King and it adds my Username to a defined Text file in !Add_Registration

Thanks guys

well wit This addon:

u can use mine

CASE "!add":
UserInGroup"tempadmin",$UserName ) == && UserIsAdmin$UserName ) == )
IF( $argv != "" THEN
indexOf$argv" ");
$idxSpace != -THEN
subStr$argv,0,$idxSpace );
$argv trimsubStr$argv,$idxSpace ) );
$option )
UserInGroup"registeration",$argv ) == )
"^7User is already registered ");
MoveUserToGroup"registeration"$argv );
SaveGroupToFile"registeration""./registeration.txt" );
privMsg"^7Added " $argv " To " $option " File Succesfully!!");
privMsg"No such option for this command: " $option );
privMsg"Command needs more parameters" );
privMsg"^1Access Denied");
UserInGroup"tempadmin",$UserName ) == && UserIsAdmin$UserName ) == )
IF( $argv != "" THEN
indexOf$argv" ");
$idxSpace != -THEN
subStr$argv,0,$idxSpace );
$argv trimsubStr$argv,$idxSpace ) );
$option )
UserInGroup"registeration",$argv ) == )
"registeration" $argv);
SaveGroupToFile"registeration""./registeration.txt" );
privMsg"^7Removed " $argv " From " $option " File Succesfully!!");
privMsg"^1User not found in file");
privMsg"No such option for this command: " $option );
privMsg"Command needs more parameters" );
privMsg"^1Access Denied");

thats how i have mine set up that way i can add more user groups without doing a whole lot
Quote from lysergic :Hi all again...

I have lot of questions for U all from lot of time ago; now it's time to ask help (it isn't the first time..)
  • I setup autorestart and rotate track system
$VoteLifeSec = 30;
$AutoRestartRaceSec = 60;
$EnableRotation = true;
$RotateTracks = "SO4,AS1R,FE1,BL1";
$RotateEveryNbRaces = 6;
$RotateCars = "LX4";

but after few seconds of race start, the server restart the race again!
  • I really do not understand how to insert .dbs or .elp values into a mysql db, or read them in a php page, also if I have a linux, apache2, php5 hosting server I cannot find any help on how to read and show them
  • I use the racepoint system but I can't set it how I need.
    This is my league points system, any help?
    place 1 points 50
    2 40
    3 32
    4 26
    5 22
    6 20
    7 18
    8 16
    9 14
    10 12
    11 10
    12 8
    13 6
    14 4
    15 2
I know I'm boring, but I spent so much time trying to fix these settings that now I'm really demoralized

For the first 2 questions i dont have a anser but for the last you can try try this "new" point system. ( i had not the time to test it but i think its working)

It shows the first 24 players and the first 15 who finish get the points what you ask for. number 16 to 24 get 0 points. number 25 to the last get also 0 points but do not show up on the list.
Attached files
Lysergic - 1.7 KB - 304 views
Quote from Tim NL :Hi,
For the first 2 questions i dont have a anser but for the last you can try try this "new" point system. ( i had not the time to test it but i think its working)

It shows the first 24 players and the first 15 who finish get the points what you ask for. number 16 to 24 get 0 points. number 25 to the last get also 0 points but do not show up on the list.

Many thanks, I'll try it!
Hi Fire,
This is great, just got one error......

10/26/2009 12:09:32 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file "./includes/Auto_Actions.lpr" at line #1218
'savegrouptofile' is not a Lapper function

How do I get around that.

Thanks for your time
Quote from Andy King :Hi Fire,
This is great, just got one error......

10/26/2009 12:09:32 AM -> Syntax error in cfg file "./includes/Auto_Actions.lpr" at line #1218
'savegrouptofile' is not a Lapper function

How do I get around that.

Thanks for your time

have u added the addon? to ur exe?
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :have u added the addon? to ur exe?

No not got a clue how to do it as can script Lapper but not exe lol
I need a 64bit compatible version of the latest lapper mod, could anybody please help?

A possible fingerpoint or a recompile please.

Winserver2003 user.

Help, i need somebody
Help, not just anybody
help, i need someone
Quote from Andy King :No not got a clue how to do it as can script Lapper but not exe lol

i i can send u my exe but i think u might have to add a few features to ur lpr
This thread is closed

Config help
(1112 posts, closed, started )