The online racing simulator
Stoping All Internet Access Except One Site.
Anyone know of a way to stop all internet access regardless of browser to all but some internet sites. The idea being that people can do work on the computer, but not do anything else. All domins should go to a blackhole, and only allow one or two domains, but more can be added as needed.
Some routers have that ability. An alternative is some sort of proxy that traffic goes through where the work site = good, but everything else = Black hole of fire and death.
Is this for a single PC or multiple PCs on a network? If the former, and you don't have a router that supports a whitelist, then you should be able to find some software that does. Or you could set the PC(s) to use your own DNS server, which doesn't update from the net and just contains a few entries you allow (and you hope people aren't knowledgeable enough to go to sites directly by IP, although presumably there's a way to stop that as well, as direct IPs are blocked here at work, but I can go to (almost) any site).
smoothwall with the advanced proxy mod can do this.
Or if you're already using a *ix box as your edge device, squid could do it (if you silently ensure all outgoing http(s) traffic goes through the squid server - easily doable with iptables, pf, etc.)
#6 - CSU1
Quote from the_angry_angel :Or if you're already using a *ix box as your edge device, squid could do it (if you silently ensure all outgoing http(s) traffic goes through the squid server - easily doable with iptables, pf, etc.)

yeah, i probably should have said that instead... smoothwall uses squid.