The online racing simulator
Left Rear tyre locking up under brakes

Currently playing around with setups for the FXO but have run into a bit of a problem. Left Rear tyre is locking up while braking, all other tyres are ok. Any advice on where I should start looking to fix this? I've reduced camber on that particular tyre to about -0.5 degrees but it's still occuring.
just a guess, this happens only in right turn corners?
well, do some laps till it occurs, and watch your replay in slow motion, with the "F" funtion ON.
If you see the tyre LIFTING into the air, then you have the worst scenario.
Try to lower the "rebound damping" i guess this prevents the damper too relax to normal-zero, thus lifting the tyre.
So the tyre doesn't get the needed amount of load to sustain rotation with your braking values...
Hi Micha,

thanks for your prompt reply. It actualy mainly happens with left turn corners if that makes any difference?
erm, yes, in left corner the left (inner) tyre can lock due to high braking values.

sorry overread the thread title...
Quote from moezus :Hi Micha,

thanks for your prompt reply. It actualy mainly happens with left turn corners if that makes any difference?

if your left rear tire is locking up in a left hand corner that's just because the car is leaning to the right and weight is being transfered off of it.

that's natural.

do more braking in a straight line to prevent this.

I think that it's pretty normal for a fwd car to lock up the inside rear wheel when you are braking hard and turning. It probably won't do too much damage to the tyre as that corner of the car is unloaded. Nothing to worry about in short races anyway.
Can sure be a pain in longer races though. I had the same problem braking the FXO for t1 at SO Town Reverse (right rear flatspotting). I really had to alter my line to make it through a league race there (lasted just short of an hour).
The obvious thing to try is your brake bias, try adjusting it forwards, a small adjustment can make all the difference.
#9 - Vain
Quote from bobvanvliet :Can sure be a pain in longer races though. I had the same problem braking the FXO for t1 at SO Town Reverse (right rear flatspotting). I really had to alter my line to make it through a league race there (lasted just short of an hour).

The worst is AS Club in my opinion. The braking zone into the last right-hander kills about any tyre. I blew a tyre there in 58th lap of 60 and lost a perfect first place. Argh!
