Hi all!
Surprise, surprise, another member has joined our team.
It's a 17 year old, Sean Williams (xtraction) from Liverpool. He just recently left SRLT, and has joined our team. He mostly likes to race Endurance races with GTR, so he will help our team in GTAL and other leagues, but he also enjoys FOX.
Team is happy to have him and wishes him all the best and a fun stay in our team.
BTW, lately we've been taking quite many drivers, but that is only because our team was very inactive and half of our team members had to leave. I just want to make active and strong team and compete in leagues, which I haven't had before. Now we will slowly start slowing down with getting new team members, so don't think we just take anyone we see. It's not like that. And we don't want to make bad impression.