How to set message file
(7 posts, started )
How to set message file
I like to add a rules message and league message that i am trying to start BUT the message line in set up wont work i remove the / to make it active it gives message file not found..Do i need to make another notepad and name it message file and add message it in or how dose the pop up message box work
#2 - Etem
if you mean on the server.
then you can do /msg bla bla bla bla bla
I think
Do you mean by automation? Within the server?
#4 - Crady
guess you mean the welcome.txt, don´t you?

Well then indeed you need to remove the / and you have to create a welcome.txt file in root folder.
Quote :
// optional: welcome message up to 200 chars

But to display such kind of messages in game I would recommend to install an insim app like Airio or LFSLapper - sorry all Lapper friends, but for me Airio is much easier to configure.
Well what both u said would like to pop up stile now keep in mind her my redneck American a$$ is slow at this html and scripiting all help will b
But i tried to edit the message and when i remove the line/ like on the others to have it active.

Just a simple popup showing Rules for race and website info
#6 - Crady
Well the welcome.txt only shows up while a guest is connecting to your server - a few seconds only at a fast internet connection.

The best way would be to install and run some kind of insim Application like Airio or Lapper as I said.

Afaik there is no other way to display a text longer then a few seconds else.
I tried to use Airio but I guess my redneck a$$ to stupid to fig that program out and is the programs made to work with vista...AND My servers I have are in Canada Im in USA that make diff...And on the set up file whats the codes to block what cars can b used...Its easy to set if u use game to run as dedi but when using the dedicated download is not that simple

How to set message file
(7 posts, started )