[Idea]: PitCrew Tool
(13 posts, started )
[Idea]: PitCrew Tool
because of OutGauge and PitSpotter, I had the idea of creating a pit crew
tool, which uses InSim and OutGauge to create a virtual pit crew.
PitSpotter tells you if a car is besides u and so on, but what about getting
info how many laps you can drive with the current amount of fuel etc...

The tool can tell it...like pit spotter doese...
if you're running out of fuel the tool can play a sound that says:
"caution, only 5 laps left to pit..."
or so on...

maybe u have some othe rideas too...
Brilliant idea. I might have to turn my attention to LFS' output info sometime, I reckon there's quite a lot of stuff that could be done, if no-one else bothers ...

Personally i'd like to be able to read off rival split times.
#3 - axus
I like the idea. I would use it. I drive with Shift+F most of the time, so its easy to forget to pit.

EDIT: Also, another idea is if you are lapping off your usual pace, the pit crew telling you to speed it up a bit. Or if you are driving really fast, the pit crew giving you a heads up - these things help with concentration. But you would have to check if you are on an outlap. A gap notification, plus whether the car behind you is catching you if its less than 10s away would be very nice.

well such things might be realizeable...
also if the car behind is faster than u or get nearer...

and of course, if you have an accident, that you be warned if some drivers a
near behind u and so on...
would rellay be coOL
What about kegetkeys putting this in pitspotter
#6 - Vain
That's really cool. The tool could also tell you your laptimes and timedifference to other cars, inform you about damage to the vehicle and laps left. Maybe even calculate necessary laptimes needed to win close up to the next one before the race ends. (Most of this should be button triggered, so I get the info I need when I press the necessary button) Generally it could completely replace the interface, which is what I dream of.

Genius idea!

Now that's a tool that's so helpful that the author is in for a paypal-donation.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Cool idea, but sounds like an awful lot of samples to record...
An update to the in-race interface would go down a treat for me. You can never have enough info at your fingertips, although when I don't need it, I like the screen to be clear.
Good idea Man .
Nothing else for graphic female pitcrew add-on on mind ?
Great idea

Maybe the pitcrew can also send some congratulations to the driver when he finishes as one of the first 3 drivers, or find some encourage words if not.
so, we all think this would be greate.
but the next question is:
I like this idea!
Yeh sounds great, was just in a race winning by a mile and realised i was out of fuel, second place pushed me to the line though :P

[Idea]: PitCrew Tool
(13 posts, started )