Poll : Should this be banned?

Yes, because these people abuse/kill these animal.
No, because these people use them for eating,and fur.
Actually that movie I just felt disgust against, a sort of rage, a urge to really kick someone's ass.. The first video in this topic I have no problem admitting it made me spill some tears, it were just something about this one that really were too much for me. Maybe to see all those animals, in a depressive state when you can tell they have no more fear, sorry, happyness, emotion or anything anymore, as they are just waiting for whole thing to be over.. It's hard seeing someone giving up, or beeing on the point where they have no life spark anymore, and clearly these animals had it. The worst scene where when they throw the cats of the truck, that made my blood boil and it were just too much to hold against.

I might be an ****, a hotheaded idiot, but I have strong feelings for animals, I tries to threat them as good as possible, because they are our equalls.
Whilst I disagree with how the animals are treated in this video, I do not agree with shooting the people who have done it. Just because violence just tends to escalate things. If everyone followed the saying "an eye for an eye," then there would be many blind people!
Quote from danthebangerboy :And the poll, yah, the reasons are correct, but 'yes' and 'no' are the wrong way around.


Any chances of a link to the longer video? No point discussing it with most of us not knowing what you're on about. Unless it would violate rules, of course.
#29 - JJ72
Why? Because they ain't educated about these things, when everyone is doing it to earn some profit, you will rarely take a step back and think about the morality of the issue.
F**k them, god damn. Seriously, they need to die.
Quote from Bob Smith :Fixed.

Any chances of a link to the longer video? No point discussing it with most of us not knowing what you're on about. Unless it would violate rules, of course.

I don't know where it's located now, but to sum it short up it's very detailed fotage about skinning the animals. They are skinned alive and basically what they do is to just force the skin of them while they crawl and scream afterwards, it's really THAT bad.
The only thing cats are good for is a substitute for chicken, but no animal should have to suffer, no matter if it is a pet or a pest.
I honestly am concerned by the vast amount of comments that say "they should die," etc. How is your violence against them any better than their violence against the animals?
Its the tough thing about cultures and country habits where its easy to think yours is superior. To a guy from India the sight of a western dude eating a burger might bring up the same emotions as some of those in this thread against chinese animal cruelty.
... I mean if they want the fur... they can't just take a 10 pound rock and brain the animal? Why do they gotta let it suffer? I mean damn, that was some sick stuff.

Anyway, another point of view is this... that I saw...

Who filmed it and why? Did these sick cruel people film it for giggles?
sorry but.....DIRTY FKING B******S!
Never brought myself to watch both vids right to the end, very sad indeed.

Whats even more sad is this may just be everyday life to these people.
I watched the videos last night but I didn't want to post as I was very upset and angry.

Yeah this really makes me sick, It has been playing on my mind all night.

I totally agree with what Tristan said. If they want to eat them, use fur etc that is fair enough - who am I to judge them. What I don't understand is why can't they do it in a fast and respectfully manor. I really cannot understand the reason for putting anything through unbearable pain like that. The world is one F***** up place. I believe these people get some kind of sick sadistic buzz out of watching these animals suffer - that is where education comes in.

China as a whole, is a beautiful country with beautiful people, but it is the people (in the vids) that bring the whole country down. China should be doing everything in its power to eradicate the problem, but instead they try to close the door. They spend 25billion+ on the Olympics trying to improve their image, but its the basic things like this that causes the western world to have a tainted opinion of them.

And to those who say it is hypocritical of us if we say that it is wrong. Well its not. I'm from the United Kingdom and I know for fact that this is not acceptable here and you would most certainly go to prison. Our methods for the slaughterhouse do not include torturing the animal.

But as said, it's not only China.

Quote :oh BOO fckn HOO... it clearly has been happening before you saw it and will be happening after you'll see it. Get over it, don't waste your breath

squidhead - I don't know why I waste my time saying this but you really are senseless and immature. Maybe you should worry less about your ego, and worry more about the world you live in. One day those words may come back and bite you in the arse (no pun intended). Grow up son.

Lets just pray that God does exist. Damnation is in store for the perpetrators.

http://www.ifaw.org - if you want to make a difference this is a good place to start.
Also the poll options are too brief to warrant a vote.

They should be;

No, if they do it in a humane manor.
No, I don't care about anything other than myself. - put that there for squidhead.
Yes, killing for meat/fur is wrong.
Yes, If they proceed to use the same methods.
Well spoken there mate, you nailed it and said it better than I ever could archive
Quote from wheel4hummer :I honestly am concerned by the vast amount of comments that say "they should die," etc. How is your violence against them any better than their violence against the animals?

Because it's a very in-humane way to kill an animal. I am in no way a supporter of PETA, but that shit is just wrong. I am a huge supporter of hunting, and I hunt. I have nothing against killing animals for food or fur, but to make them suffer? They could easily put one bullet into it's heart and end the suffering way before it would even start. But no, they gotta slam their heads on the ground, throw them off trucks, and skin them alive. It's not hard to put an end to the suffering. Heartless f**ks
some one shoud skin those evil pepole alive too
Quote from mblixt :some one shoud skin those evil pepole alive too

I think that would be much fairer than just shooting them outright.
#45 - 5haz
Fighting violence with violence, two wars in the Middle East show that this approach dosen't work.
Quote from The Very End :I don't know where it's located now, but to sum it short up it's very detailed fotage about skinning the animals. They are skinned alive and basically what they do is to just force the skin of them while they crawl and scream afterwards, it's really THAT bad.

After a longish search which involved looking at my posts from 2 years ago on another forum, i finally found the original video, but it is the same as the YT one, i got that bit wrong as i thought it was a different video but it isnt.


This kind of stuff really makes me rage, and i would love 5 minutes alone with one of these cruel feckers who does this to those animals, i would beat them from pillar to post and show NO mercy, just to let them know how it feels.
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :Its the tough thing about cultures and country habits where its easy to think yours is superior. To a guy from India the sight of a western dude eating a burger might bring up the same emotions as some of those in this thread against chinese animal cruelty.

I don't see the connection. At any culture at some point some animals are killed in order to feed people. This is how nature works, a man could be eaten by animals as well given the right sircumstances.
This is different... This is just a Job... Killing the animal first would actualy make the skinning prosses much easyer... But no they prefer it this way, even if it takes longer to skin an alive animal, because it's probably less borring for them to do it that way. This involves a lot of cruelty.
Quote from theirishnoob :its ok to do it to farm animals but not pets ??

ill eat anything to survive, wouldn't you ?

You are either ignorant, or haven't read anything... Those animals are put to a swift-humane end, the chinese don't see it that way.
Holy shit, that's so wrong. Watching those animals get skinned ALIVE is plain sick. Someone should go skin those bastards alive and see how they like it.

I'm a meat eater and I have no problem with animals being killed humanly, but seeing those videos really does make you wonder what goes on behind closed doors, wether they're being killed for food or clothing.

Did anyone watch the show a few years back (might be on Youtube somewhere) where they did live slaughters of the main animals we get food from? They did it to prove that everything gets done humanly so the animals aren't put under any pain.

A few years back there was a load of workers from Bernard Mathews that got arrested for cruelty to animals. Someone was behind one of the barns and heard a few people cheering, looked through the slats of the window and saw people playing baseball with turkeys. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... OsDZc&feature=related

I'm not one for having a weak stomach, but after watching those two videos in the OP I now feel a little funny.