The online racing simulator
Quote from Kid222 :This (locked setups) is most probably going to happen, they should be feature in one of future patches. IIRC, Scawen already said that before and he is aware, that road car setups have unrealistic options, so just wait, what he comes up with next time.

I really hope this will come soon, havent played lfs much recently, but will pick the dfp up again if this gets implemented. I never was any good at making a decent setup, so a server with locked setup would be great for me, and many else too, i would think.
Quote from kruuvi :So you'd rather stare at two screens with the same resolution, only difference been that one is on native and other is not?

Don't take it personally, i'm just trying to get the overview here.

Ok, we're both missing the point here . We're talking about totally different things . I personally use extended desktop, because I have one 17" LCD and one bigger full hd. In span mode it looks horrible. I'm talking about the fact that span mode was(probably) the only way to use games on two(or more?) identical monitors without using sophisticated software/hardware. Deleting such a function in Win 7/Vista was simply illogical .

Edit.: I've also missed Your point in Your first thread, sorry .
Quote from freddyalek90 :In the Mercedes Benz W116 (S-Klasse) page, I found this:
That's not me having comprehension problems, it's just you not knowing that a 4-channel ABS in a car that LOOKS '80s (but could be easily from the '90s) could be possible, if that system was introduced in a road car in 1978.
But that's an XRG/XRT related "problem". The other cars that have ABS are all from the '90s.

multi channel != 4 channel
afaik both the s class and the 190e which is about the same age as the starion had 2 channel systems which unlike the 4 channel sytems in the xrt wont help with trail braking

additionally all the cars in lfs use very high frequency regulation algorithms which were a lot slower and more crude back in the 80s
if you look at the f9 display under abs braking you can see the tyres flicker which indicates a rather high regulation freuqncy if you compare that against a video of eg the s class with some of the first production abs systems fitted to it you can tell theres a vast difference in how the systems work

Quote from Scawen :Is there any case for getting your money back?

i rather doubt that considering span mode is basically a driver hack and also that ati has got it working again with eyefinity so its not microsofts fault that the driver coders have been laying about lazily for the past 2 years or so
I don't understand you,shotglass.
Why does a road car in LFS have to have a basical ABS and not just the actual one?
How can ABS and old desing be related to each other?
Seriously,that doesn't make sense.
I thought I didn't have time but I found it.

All issues solved
Attached files
Bug wheel_SO1_RAC.spr - 11.1 KB - 247 views
I don't have a wheel myself, but I have already looked at the wheel settings in lfs, and I think there's an option to combine/separate axes. However, your problem with the steering is quite... strange
Have you assigned the right axis to steering?
Quote from Flame CZE :Have you assigned the right axis to steering?

Steering works fine in the LFS option and in windows option.

I attached the replay to my 1st post
That's because you have your brakes fully applied. Try to invert its axis in options > controls > axes.
Quote from Flame CZE :That's because you have your brakes fully applied. Try to invert its axis in options > controls > axes.

That solves the wheel problem

But I can't find how to use the brake
Quote from Flame CZE :Try to look here.

I found it.

The axis were locked (defult setting). I unlock tham and it worked.

Thanks for the help
Quote from Maelstrom :I found it.

The axis were locked (defult setting). I unlock tham and it worked.

Thanks for the help

What you want to do is unlock them, then move EVERY axis through it's full range of motion, then re-lock them. Turn your wheel full left-right, press all your pedals all the way down then let them go back up.

When you re lock the axises it keeps the settings how they should be. If you don't lock them you may have to recalibrate every time you start LFS.
Quote from pik_d :What you want to do is unlock them, then move EVERY axis through it's full range of motion, then re-lock them. Turn your wheel full left-right, press all your pedals all the way down then let them go back up.

When you re lock the axises it keeps the settings how they should be. If you don't lock them you may have to recalibrate every time you start LFS.

Quote from Scawen :Is there any case for getting your money back?

Fo example, on the Vista box, was it made clear to buyers that an important feature had been disabled and you might be better off sticking with XP?

Should it have been made clear...? Just wondering.

What company would ever do that m8? It's like a car company saying "well this is our new model, but it lacks the equipment of the old one so better not buy it". It will never happen, everybody wants to sell the new product, same goes for getting your money back. It's always the consumer's responsibility to do proper research before buying (anything).
Quote from IlGuercio :I don't understand you,shotglass.
Why does a road car in LFS have to have a basical ABS and not just the actual one?
How can ABS and old desing be related to each other?
Seriously,that doesn't make sense.

so what are you saying? you think that abs technology hasnt advanced one little bit in the 20-30 years since the xrt would have been built to the scircco today?
Lol thanx for the heads up, I hadn't noticed that :P Although I think the clock was more useful, it was showing the computer's real time so you knew if it was late once again
Quote from hrtburnout :What the...

I just drove the LX6, and I noticed a moving oil pressure gauge.

update: I am right! It used to be a clock

Image: LFS-Database.

3x same server name on the LFS game server list.
Looks correct and copies my server settings at LFSWorld.
Started them with DediGUing. I´ll leave them online. Pictures attached.
Attached images
Has anyone else similar problems that LFS crashs the whole PC (black screen) when using Shift+F4?

Windows 7, 64bit
Intel GMA 4500MHD
I have windows 7 myself and have 3 screen like i said in an earlier post
I changed the setting in LFS with 1 left and 1 right screen, but the screen don't get active, but what I see is that only on my middle (primary) monitor looks like it has 3 different screens on it, you especially see it when turning the car in 3rd person camera mode.

How to get the other screens activated in LFS?
Quote from three_jump :Has anyone else similar problems that LFS crashs the whole PC (black screen) when using Shift+F4?

Windows 7, 64bit
Intel GMA 4500MHD

Does it crash when on the main menu? Mine crashes/freezes when in 3d mode and is safer for me to full screen swap inside 2d menus only, but I am using 250MB GPU ram from bloom mod and hi res textures. (1GB card, but who the hell knows what the new multiscreen tweaks are doing to it, FTR I only use 0,1,0 screen mode)

WinXPsp2 32bit
e8400, 4GB, HD4890 1gb

Also have you tried just a fresh install on Z25? (In case you are using any mods or hi res textures)
Quote from Liquid Li0n :I have windows 7 myself and have 3 screen like i said in an earlier post
I changed the setting in LFS with 1 left and 1 right screen, but the screen don't get active, but what I see is that only on my middle (primary) monitor looks like it has 3 different screens on it, you especially see it when turning the car in 3rd person camera mode.

How to get the other screens activated in LFS?

You have to "span" all three monitors in Windows, so that it will show them as single one(one huge resolution)... BUT... it is impossible under Vista and 7... and i have no bloody idea whyy...
Quote from R.Kolz :3x same server name on the LFS game server list.
Looks correct and copies my server settings at LFSWorld.
Started them with DediGUing. I´ll leave them online. Pictures attached.

That is strange. Do they work properly like that? I mean, can you join them by name and see other racers there driving around?

It looks as if they all have the same port, so when LFS tries to ping them, all the pings end up at one of the servers. But it should be impossible to start them using the same port number, because your OS should not allow LFS to open a server port with the same number as another instance of LFS.

Anything wrong with the router settings? I don't know, at this point it doesn't make much sense to me.
Quote from obsolum :A big -1 from me. You don't find these buttons in real cars, do you?

All Audi 80/90 quattro, Coupe quattro, 100/200 quattro with ABS had switch on center console to disable ABS.
Quote from JasonJ :Does it crash when on the main menu? Mine crashes/freezes when in 3d mode and is safer for me to full screen swap inside 2d menus only, but I am using 250MB GPU ram from bloom mod and hi res textures. (1GB card, but who the hell knows what the new multiscreen tweaks are doing to it, FTR I only use 0,1,0 screen mode)

WinXPsp2 32bit
e8400, 4GB, HD4890 1gb

Also have you tried just a fresh install on Z25? (In case you are using any mods or hi res textures)

Doesn't matter what menu I'm in (or drive). As soon as I press shift+f4 my screen goes blank and the only thing I can do is to turn the Notebook off.

It's a fresh install (Z + Z25) on a 1 day old system using latest (and only one) drivers.
This thread is closed

Live for Speed S2, version Z25
(420 posts, closed, started )