Same here. Sint Maarten is celebrated on the 11th of November. Kids run around singing for candy. I remember doing so, when I was young
Yesterday, a group of 12-year olds rang the door-bell here, asking for candy. I told them we only celebrate Sint Maarten (Sonte Martn in dialect ), and then they left. If they were cute kids I'd give them something, but these were just cheeky gits :mad:.
I went as my own creation! Had work all day 10am-9pm, so raced home... quickly through that together and legged out the door to meet some friends. Good night, best costume I saw was a toss up between Optimus Prime and the chicken from family guy!! How can people wear those tacky costumes that costume shops sell, they look naff like kids costumes in adult size!
went down to plymouth for a friends birthday and was at the student union dressed as a sexy nurse (complete with ample boobage) i got served very quickly. was a fantastic night
trick or treat, weed , find other ppl from school who were goin to a party, go to the party ( and trick or treat some more, and go into a haunted house that was on our way), play some guitar/videogames at the party, get a phone call from my bro who invited me to a party, go meet up with my bro at his friend's party ( i was the only1 below drinking age), drink, become the DJ everyone else was drunk, sleep and eat candies....
I was dressed up this year, but only because we were playing a Halloween gig and we'd all decided to go as traditional Hammer Horror-style monsters. Problem is, the postal strikes were bad timing for me being able to get decent eBay stuff - I should've planned more in advance. So I was a sort of lame Dracula, our guitarist was Frankenstein's monster and our bassist was a werewolf. My girlfriend's Carrie outfit was pretty cool too.
Our drummer just turned up in regular duds, but he's been ill so we let him off. I still think he should've gone as a flying monkey since he pulls great monkey faces while he's playing.