The online racing simulator
No more "video games"... Time to get real
(28 posts, started )
Quote from wien :View dependent effects like specular highlights (or "reflections" as they're called in the real world. )

Haha, sorry. Been spending way too much time in 3D programs lately and not enough in the real world. Probably starting to affect me
- I was gonna post this but could not find a clip as it was on bbc click.

Cool in a way but they said that you will be able to race vs real drivers but you wont actually be there so u'll sort of just be playing catch up all the time. I know gaming is a bit lame anyway but chasing jason plato and 'beating him' but not really being there, that kinda drops the lame level even more.

Not sure if I like it to be honest. If something is that real you may as well actually go and do it.

I still like there to be a good distinction to real and not real. Like one of those rare, horrid dreams where you think something was actually real, then get outside to realize that yes it was just a dream. Or the other times when you wake up and thank god it was not real.

I think it will make buckets of cash for the company if they get a proper version ever released. Because so many people want the real racing experience in their living rooms or after a long day at work.

Love the idea, would love to be in the loop when the money starts rolling but cant imagine myself using it.
Well, it could be cool if it works like Trackmania, "hollow" cars. I know that ain't much compared to physically contact, but then it would be a matter getting the fastest times / compare times and see a ghost car of the other real drivers. Actually that could be some fun I think

No more "video games"... Time to get real
(28 posts, started )