someone had mentioned ilmerge to me but i'm a little unsure as to how i use it... do i code my app normally with the dll outside, and then stuff it inside with this app?
As I say I've never used it myself, I don't know.
Quote from DarkTimes :Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's possible to do this. You can add a DLL to your main assembly as an embedded resource, but if you use that DLL as a reference then I believe it needs to be separate.

Maybe you can embed it as a resource and on first run, extract it to a folder, eg LFS root, but I'm not sure about refrencing it that way.
that's another idea i hadn't thought about... i'm already extracting a skin and a setup file, what's one more file gong to hurt?
just wanted to bump this to let people know it is possible to use resource-embedded dll's... you put the dll into resources and call it like this:

namespace My_Prog_Name
public partial class Form1 : Form

Quote from bunder9999 :just wanted to bump this to let people know it is possible to use resource-embedded dll's... you put the dll into resources and call it like this:

namespace My_Prog_Name
public partial class Form1 : Form


Now that would come in very handy, when I decide to continue my projects. Thanks!
Help with my insim
i would like to know if anyone can post a string here for insim that only allows a specific person to use a command. currently all i want to do is make !happyhour on my insim so only i can activate it. THANKS!
Quote from Naruto06 :i would like to know if anyone can post a string here for insim that only allows a specific person to use a command. currently all i want to do is make !happyhour on my insim so only i can activate it. THANKS!

if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].Username == "Naruto06") {
//Your code here

Upper code: Will work only for you username

Code below: Will work with your username or if the user is an admin. Hope I've(with the help and idea of Silox) helped.
if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].Username == "Naruto06" || Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].IsAdmin == 1) {
//Your code here

Note: Not tested, but it should work.
Someone correct me if something's wrong.

Fixed and added one more example: Thanks, Silox.
You forgot a " after the username

If you want that only admins can use it, you can check through: MSO.Isadmin = 1
Can someone rewrite InSim sample to Console in C#? I need to run InSim on VPS (Debian 5.0).

Thx. Misiek
Hi guys!

Anyone know how get and set the player status in the start grid with
LFS_External library or similar? The idea is make a custom Start Grid...
Helpme please!

Please guys...

How can I send a Tiny packet??? I want send a IS_REO packect in C#, but i cant find the sintaxis for Send_TINY... Please helpme...


How can I send a REO packet in C#. What method can I use?

Quote from misiek08 :Can someone rewrite InSim sample to Console in C#? I need to run InSim on VPS (Debian 5.0).

Thx. Misiek

I really need it and I think is not so hard for some people to do.
Does anyone know how i can make the LFS_External.dll accept the new outgauge flags? or is there a LFS_External.dll for z25?
I know how to do this using, a socket control VB6, see if you can use any of this..

Public Type OutGaugePacket
Time(0 To 3) As Byte 'time in milliseconds (to check order)
Car(0 To 3) As Byte 'Car name
Flags As Integer '(0 To 1) As Byte 'Combination of OG_FLAGS, see below
Gear As Byte 'Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
SpareB As Byte 'Spare
Speed As Single 'M/S
Rpm As Single 'RPM
Turbo As Single 'BAR
EngTemp As Single 'C
Fuel As Single '0 to 1
OilPress As Single 'BAR
OilTemp As Single 'C
DashLights As Long
ShowLights As Long
Throttle As Single '0 to 1
Brake As Single '0 to 1
Clutch As Single '0 to 1
Display1(0 To 15) As Byte 'Usually Fuel
Display2(0 To 15) As Byte 'Usually Settings
ID As Long '(optional ID - if specified in cfg.txt)
End Type

Public Const DL_SHIFT = 1 '; // bit 0 - shift light
Public Const DL_FULLBEAM = 2 '; // bit 1 - full beam
Public Const DL_HANDBRAKE = 4 '; // bit 2 - handbrake
Public Const DL_PITSPEED = 8 '; // bit 3 - pit speed limiter
Public Const DL_TC = 16 '; // bit 4 - TC active or switched off
Public Const DL_SIGNAL_L = 32 '; // bit 5 - left turn signal
Public Const DL_SIGNAL_R = 64 '; // bit 6 - right turn signal
Public Const DL_SIGNAL_ANY = 128 '; // bit 7 - shared turn signal
Public Const DL_OILWARN = 256 '; // bit 8 - oil pressure warning
Public Const DL_BATTERY = 512 '; // bit 9 - battery warning
Public Const DL_ABS = 1024 ' ; // bit 10 - ABS active or switched off
Public Const DL_SPARE = 2048 '; // bit 11
Public Const DL_NUM = 4096 '; //noinfo
Public Const OG_TURBO = 8192 '; // show turbo gauge
Public Const OG_KM = 16384 '; // if 0 set - user prefers MILES
Public Const OG_BAR = 32768 '; // if 0 set - user prefers PSI

then just do the same as you did in prevous patches, but use the new variables

If (Packet.ShowLights And DL_HANDBRAKE) > 0 Then
HandbrakeLightON.Visible = True
HandbrakeLightOFF.Visible = False
HandbrakeLightON.Visible = False
HandbrakeLightOFF.Visible = True
End If

Public Packet As OutGaugePacket

Hope that helps...
I'm using VB 2008 u have any suggestion? on doing that?
Anyone? Please help me.
It should be pretty similar since LFS_External has OutGauge functions in it..
I've thought about updating the program to 2008 as VB6 is very very buggy on windows 7 even in compatability modes

I'll look into it and post my findings

The DLL would need to be updated for z25??
yeah because atm the DLL is only set for getting OG_Headlights, OG_Flashers (just examples) so u would need to redo the dll to read the DL_Headlights and stuff...
It would need to be updated by T-RonX as far as I know. The program is closed source.
Quote from DarkTimes :It would need to be updated by T-RonX as far as I know. The program is closed source.

I'm working on version 1.3 which is based on version 1.2 (which i never released because of a bug i couldn't fix) and rewrote the core of it.

Obviously it will be Z25 compatible and will have some very nice features like requesting a packet directly instead of calling an event. All flags will be pre-parsed, and finally it will have UTF-8 support.
Thanks dude that will be really cool! i cant wait i have some BIG! plans but thanks for letting us know hope it comes soon
Any new? when to expect a release?