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Prison book suggestion
(11 posts, started )
Prison book suggestion

can anyone please recommend a book about life in prison?
I am not going to prison or anything like that, but I am curious about what's life in prison like.

Preferably a real-life account of an inmate/convict (whatever they like to call themselves) who is doing some very long time or even life in a high security prison. Everyday life stories about what's it like to live behind bars. Have you seen American History X or Shawshank Redemption? Then something like that but recent, not from 50 years ago.

I don't want to read about political prisoners or Iraqi "terrorists" being abused by authorities. Just stories like "Today at chow was a huge fight between the inmates and guards" and stuff like that. Something like what you'd see in a TV documentary on NGC or Discovery. Less law and politics, more everyday situations.

The most important condition is: NO FICTION PLEASE.

If anyone has read such a book (in english), then please recommend. I'd buy you a beer

Thanks a lot.
I reckon life in prison differs from country to country too much to really know what it's like in your area unless you find one written by a local

The only book I've ever read which deals with prison life is Papillon. It's a semi-fictional autobiography and nobody seems to know how much of it is actually true because the author was well-known to have an overactive imagination. Set in the 1930's though, so it's a little older than you really want.
It covers a few different prisons in different countries though, and it's a bloody good book, so it's worth checking out. The film is okay too, because Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman are awesome
This is a very sobering read from a lad who crashed his car into a motorcyclist. It does make you wonder about how other people perceive your driving and what consequences that can have, and also gives an insight into the prison system in Britain at least.

He writes very well and he's brutally honest:
Quote from breadfan :
I am not going to prison or anything like that, but I am curious about what's life in prison like.

It's shit!
#5 - HVS5b
I was a very, very naughty boy, many, many moons ago, and spent the weekend in the cells!!!.

Does that count? LOL
I would recommend Jeffrey Archer's prison diaries. Very interesting account of someone in the public eye having to come to terms with spending some time behind bars.
One can only learn though true self go get yourself a few offenses and find out first hand how it is.
#9 - 5haz
But whatever you do, don't drop the soap.
Quote from breadfan :Hi,

can anyone please recommend a book about life in prison?
I am not going to prison or anything like that, but I am curious about what's life in prison like.

Preferably a real-life account of an inmate/convict (whatever they like to call themselves) who is doing some very long time or even life in a high security prison. Everyday life stories about what's it like to live behind bars. Have you seen American History X or Shawshank Redemption? Then something like that but recent, not from 50 years ago.

I don't want to read about political prisoners or Iraqi "terrorists" being abused by authorities. Just stories like "Today at chow was a huge fight between the inmates and guards" and stuff like that. Something like what you'd see in a TV documentary on NGC or Discovery. Less law and politics, more everyday situations.

The most important condition is: NO FICTION PLEASE.

If anyone has read such a book (in english), then please recommend. I'd buy you a beer

Thanks a lot.

Life after fort hood - the true story....

/gets coat.

Prison book suggestion
(11 posts, started )