The online racing simulator
Many little suggestions...
(21 posts, started )
#1 - Sk0rp
Many little suggestions...
Hello LFS Community!
First I want to thank the Devs to make such a great game! And this without an Publisher!!!!

1. I would like to have a stats screen after the end of a race. Like in the TV-Racing (Series??).There should be things like
-start AND Endpositions of every racer
-the average and top speed
-the nationality would be nice too (but there is a thread)

This screen shouldn´t be shown after driving over the finish line. The racer should open it over the menu if he wants.

2. For the later future I would like to have a new car: a truck (like in MBTR)

3. Slots for the Setups.
If you go to the setup screen, you only should see the setups specially for the track/car combination you´re using at the moment. But with an drop-down menu there should be the possibility to have access to the setups for other tracks with this car.

4. According to the latest fix:
The race should be restartable if ALL drivers agree!

5. I would like to have to ability to customize the temperature of the wheels when you drive out of the pit. (But I dont know how this would affect on the balance of the game)

6. In the F9 Wheel Screen:
If an wheel gets blocked by braking, it should be shown on the specific wheel on the screen. That would be great. Perhaps a little red bar or point over the wheel.
If an wheel blocks on a streetcar you can´t see it from the cockpit. You just could hear it, but you couldnt know which wheel it is.

I would like to hear your oppinion for that suggestions!!

PS: Sorry for my bad English. I hope you know what I mean ;-)
Some nice ideas there Sk0rp

1. Very nice idea :up:

2. Theres always scope for new vehicles - theres currently a thread in GD about what types of racing you'd like to see, and also another about trucking in this section Nice to see its popular

3. Already suggested, and I *think* its been hinted that Scawen maybe already rewriting the setup/replay management

4. is, unless theres a time limit before you can restart - which is a pain in the arse.

5. Perhaps a server side option to say "start at optimal temperature for tyres"

6. Nice idea We've discussed sounds also, and how difficult it can be to work out which wheel is locking sometimes

Edit: Your English is good - much better than my German
Yeah 1 and 6 are both nice ideas. And like TAA said, 3 has been mentioned to death.

Not keen on 5, although the current system isn't perfect either. I think the difference between the start and optimum temps should increase with the optimum temp.
6. We do have a red marker - part of your tyre will get hot, and glow red (on F9) :P

Nice post overall.
And nice reply The.
#5 - Sk0rp
Yes correct, we have a red marker, when the tyre is exporing soon! ;-)
I want to see if a tyre is standing or normally rotating! This is the point.
Quote from tristancliffe :6. We do have a red marker - part of your tyre will get hot, and glow red (on F9) :P

But you can only see it after it rotates 180°

Very nice suggestions
I also have a little suggestion:

I definetly need an UNDO-Button in the Setup-Screen!
Quote from --==Gogo==-- :I also have a little suggestion:

I definetly need an UNDO-Button in the Setup-Screen!

there IS an undo button .....
Attached images
Quote from AndroidXP :But you can only see it after it rotates 180°

Very nice suggestions

Ooooooh, you mean have a red light turn on as you lock the wheel... I thought he meant a little light that stays on for a second or two to show which wheel locked at the last braking zone.

Personally, I can't see how ANYONE has the time to watch an overlay WHILST braking to see which light comes on.

Plus, whilst braking the behaviour of the car should tell you which wheel is locked, even if the no-sound bug occurs.
6. I can deffinately hear in left or right headphone which wheel is locking and the car also pulls on the opposite side if that happens. I don't get what problems do people have with this. After going through that corner I can get a visual check on F9 seeing which wheel colours "flicker".
It's a proven 'bug' Misko. Sometimes (and I'm not FULLY sure of exactly when or why) when only one wheel locks on an axle (as it were) no sound is made. Maybe only at slow speed, or with zero steering, or something.

I've not experienced this bug myself, but there is a video of it occuring which I find conclusive. For me, I use speakers and handling to tell which wheel locks.
Ah yes yes, I remember rear inside wheel of the FWDs most often "flicks" in green a little after the hairpin and it made no sound during braking for that. Is that that bug?

Situations I described are when wheels on one side are dirty. Otherwise either I don't lock wheels or I don't notice they were locked. Neither during braking nor after with F9.
Maybe that's it. Maybe LFS is advanced enough to know that dirty tyres won't squeal. But not advanced enough to know that the dirt is very quickly worn off when locked, so it should squeal... hmmmmmmm. The plot thickens...
is the dirt applied to the whole tyre or individually to each of the 48 parts of the surface ?
I think it's considered over the whole tyre... hence a section can't be burnt off by locking.
Quote from GeForz :there IS an undo button .....

Shame on me. Found it. I switched between Setups to see the difference. Then the setup is automatically saved.

I just drove some hotlaps an there is somehting to improve:
The fastest Lap for each car on each track should be saved automatically in Hotlap-Sessions.
Android, love the garage background graphic ... could you please post that or direct me to it? Are there any other 'more suitable' backgrounds? (sorry to go off topic, but I NEED that background!)

[nevermind, found it!!]
Really nice ideas except for...


If there were one thing I could change about LFS guess what...?

It *wouldn't* be the tire physics. It would be NO RESTARTS.

I can't stand the impatience and utter lack of disrespect that voted restarts have fostered. It's also not very realistic. A red flag by a marhall or COC, sure, but drivers voting? Come on....
If you had absolutely no restarts, then there is the potential that everyone would wreck and not continue, then the race couldn't be restarted. I don't know if that could happen but it would be similar to the no mid-race join. I was in a server with 1 other person. We both lost it on a corner and didn't continue racing as we stopped and was chatting a bit. He turned around facing my car and we were checking out paint jobs and talking about skinning. I was next to a closed pit road. I thought I'd turn in and see if it was blocked at all (drove in the wrong direction). He started to move being turned around facing me ended up driving the wrong direction. We both got kicked to spectate, then couldn't rejoin because of the no rejoin option. We also couldn't restart because we weren't on the track or pits. We both had to leave and reconnect to the server. A "no restart" rule could produce similar results.

Another time, just the other night, I was in a 10 lap race. I started last. By the time I reached the start/finish line, everyone else had smashed up into a wall somewhere and I was the only one left. I didn't really want to drive around by myself for 9 laps so we restarted. If there was "no restart" I would have had to drive the 9 laps by myself. So the restart vote is important to have.
hm i think all of the suggestions except for #5 are actually worth thinking about

as for the restarting - if the server host has more power to customize the hosted-game, this could be one of the options there (percentage of positive votes)

some of the suggestions were mentioned before, but then agian, good thoughts will be mentioned quite a few times - that's the difference between good and bad ideas

Many little suggestions...
(21 posts, started )