The online racing simulator
When I was making a skin I got only few great quality decals, so I put them on it. Sorry about randomness.
Thanks for the tip man, really thank you!
I love your remake of this skin.

Although I dont like that particular theme the skin is bloody awesome.
Nice job defitnly a mitsubishi.

C40Z good job skin is sweet
(tfk) DELETED by tfk
Insane, looks sweeeet!
hot realy hot
Quote from LineR32 :Only thing that ruins this skin for me is the fake headlights, other than that it's a great skin.

thanks, have to agree with you.. I just put them there to make it a bit more different.
Quote from Lynce :You can watch it in action in some secuences .

OMG blown away by it. that looks awesome

skin looks briljant in that vid
Ohh nice, again the details on it are superb.
But when I click on the download link (2048) on Db the skin isnt lager as 751x751
I love the high res off course which goes in folder.
Quote from niels1 :Ohh nice, again the details on it are superb.
But when I click on the download link (2048) on Db the skin isnt lager as 751x751
I love the high res off course which goes in folder.

Niels, open the link with right click and "open in new tab" to get the proper high-res skinfile.
Revisited Skin + New Wheels and Textures

Quote from dutchshogun :Revisited Skin + New Wheels and Textures

haha nice skin theese wheels looks the same as m-power one's
Where did u get that nice rims?
Quote from BoyGTA :Where did u get that nice rims?

Thanks to Vencipower
I saw you asked in the other thread also. Send him a PM for the DDS
I think he'll send them to you, if you ask nicely

XR Skins (All)
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