My flatmate has bought this game, and has a PS3 in the flat. So naturally I got to try it out last night until 3am. WHAT A BLAST! I mean seriously, the Spec Ops mode is just incredible fun. Especially the one where you're in the gas station fighting off waves of enemies, drones, MPVs and choppers. It's simply incredible. It's total chaos and you get so close to death so many times, and yet you pull through and have an overwhelming feeling of having actually achieved something.
Also, when one person controls the plane and the other person is on the ground... WOW, so cool! It's a shame it's so short but it really does require cooperation with your friend, otherwise you will end up dying; since the enemies appear to spawn differently every time!
I also played some offline split screen, which was really good fun. I like the way you now have to collect your killstreak power-ups; really balances the game out. Hopfully I'll be able to borrow his PSN account later and have a go at online. It looks like more of the same as CoD4, but with just enough changes to keep it fresh and exciting. So far, from the Multiplayer maps I've seen, the maps are very interesting and more varied than in CoD4. There are also many more maps.
I'm very excited about getting this game for myself. I almost want to buy it on PC, but I know I'll suck...