http and get [SOLVED]

http("". GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

This doesn't seem to work

Is it possible to use a variable in an url?
In fact...

"Normal" http requests doesn't seem to work either. Is that true?

http("" );

I doesn't see any request trying to be made in my HTTP server log.

Are http requests limited to ... Hope not :eye-poppi
Quote from nl2dav :In fact...

"Normal" http requests doesn't seem to work either. Is that true?

http("" );

I doesn't see any request trying to be made in my HTTP server log.

Are http requests limited to ... Hope not :eye-poppi

well i hope u arnt trying to connect to as that isnt even a real url :P

I used search and discovered that there is someone with a similar idea like I have.

demourl is just there for people like Fire_optikz001 who are too curious

But its basically a true/false generator based on laps someone made. To keep crashers and fake accounts out of our races.

//edit: LOL, I just realized thats your thread

I'm used to use // when I comment on my own code

If you do that all upcoming code turns invalid. Its working now

* Also I would like to add that it looks like you can only use the http instruction once during an event.
thats not nice :P why not use a login sys? which culd be hard or very easy :P
Why do I want another login systeem?

It destructs the open character of the game. The only people I don't want are the not so serious people.

The lap threshold is working now, maybe I put in a PB threshold or a win/second/third threshold as well...

Got to find out how this develops.
#8 - Krayy
I've sent a patch to Gai-Luron which should make http handling a lot more useful. Hopefully he will include it in the next update.

i think there is a misunderstanding on how work http request. When you send a request to a web server LFSLapper attemps to receive a GLScript code and execute it.

if i use you web call: you send a request to know if player is allowed, http("". GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );
and GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") -> "gai-luron"

web response can contain this glScript lines:

$allowed = 1;
$userName = "gai-luron";
doMyCode( $userName,$allowed );


doMyCode( "gai-luron",1 );

LFSLapper interpret this GLScript code and in this code you can see you have a call to subroutine. This subroutine can be declared in lpr file.

In you lpr file tou have:
SUB doMyCode( $userName,$allowed )
... Do what you want if lpr file
IF( $allowed == 0 ) THEN
cmdlfs( "/kick " . $userName );


And other way is to put all code in the returned webcommand
Request = http("". GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

Returning web commands if allowed:


Returning web commands if not allowed:

cmdlfs( "/kick gai-luron");

It's a very flexible system more than returning value inline, i hope i'am clear.

Krayy i see your code but it's not usefull when you know how webreturn work. Thank's anyway


PS: You can put any GLScript command in returned web, like top(), topuser(), etc...
Yes, excellent reply... Thank you.

Its already working and doing great

# check minimum amount of laps
$laps_username = GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName");
http("". $laps_username );


$req '';
$check_XRG '';
$check_XFG '';
$fp fopen ("".$username."&s=1""r");
while (!
$req .= fread($fp500);

$lfs_php_array json_decode($req);

if (
sizeof($lfs_php_array) == 0) {

for (
$i 1$i <= sizeof($lfs_php_array); $i++) {
$n $i 1;
    if (
$lfs_php_array[$n]->track == "000" && $lfs_php_array[$n]->car == "XRG") {
        if (
$lfs_php_array[$n]->lapcount 40) {
$check_XRG 1;
        else {
$check_XRG 0;
    if (
$lfs_php_array[$n]->track == "000" && $lfs_php_array[$n]->car == "XFG") {
        if (
$lfs_php_array[$n]->lapcount 40) {
$check_XFG 1;
        else {
$check_XFG 0;

if (
$check_XFG == OR $check_XRG == 1
// echo 'globalMsg("true");';
'privMsg("^3Woops you are a newbie! Please come back in 3 days, bye!");';
'GlobalMsg("'.$username.' is unexperienced (<40 laps /car) and gets a 3 day ban");';
'cmdLFS("/ban '.$username.' 3" );';
// echo 'GlobalMsg("'.$username.' - XFG: '.$check_XFG.' XRG: '.$check_XRG.'");';


The only flaw is that it generates an error if it requests stats within 5 seconds, could fix that by using multiple stat idk's but I think its OK for now.
You can insert a tarpit in your php Script and retry 5 second later.

Receive WebCmd in LFSLapper is asynchronus and don't freeze working of LFSLapper in waiting to receive web response.

Soon, LFSLapper retreive by ownself this stats values.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

i think there is a misunderstanding on how work http request. When you send a request to a web server LFSLapper attemps to receive a GLScript code and execute it.

if i use you web call: you send a request to know if player is allowed, http("". GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );
and GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") -> "gai-luron"

Ahhhh...I wondered why it was creating the WebReturnFunction function dynamically. Very clever and flexible to boot.

Let me know if my "suggestions" start get annoying
Good to know its asynchronous but I hate delays if they are not necessary so I extended the routine with an extra IDK
Quote from Krayy :Ahhhh...I wondered ...

Let me know if my "suggestions" start get annoying

No no problem you can continue, it's a better way to learn on how work Lapper. If i don't want suggestions, i don't release source and i make a "closed" app. you can't know everything on Lapper, me too i forgot many things on LFSLapper and some user know my app better than me

wow that's cruel a 3 day ban for just because they haven't drove 40 laps
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :wow that's cruel a 3 day ban for just because they haven't drove 40 laps

Hell it takes me 2 days to do 20 laps in an RAC, so why not?
Yeah maybe 1 day is okay too... But most newbies are not doing 40 laps in one day.

Somehow its not checking user accounts with a space, got to find out why.

The script above is old anyway, contains more bugs.
Quote from Krayy :Hell it takes me 2 days to do 20 laps in an RAC, so why not?

XD noob i can do 20 lap races in about an hour ... in xfg
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :XD noob i can do 20 lap races in about an hour ... in xfg

/off topic.
Please upload it on the follow combo : AS7R and XFG

You Noob, how can you say that. he got a good point...
Quote from hotmail :/off topic.
Please upload it on the follow combo : AS7R and XFG

You Noob, how can you say that. he got a good point...

u heard of sarcasm?
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :u heard of sarcasm?

Apparently not in Holland...Ishint dat veeerdt? I love Goooooooolllllld!!!!

P.S You want a schmoke and a pancake? How bout a shigar and a waffle?
Ey! Don't generalize a complete nation just because of one posting

It's a demo problem anyway. I suppose you don't need these kind of measurements when running a S1 or S2 server. The people there are already lost on those servers
Quote from nl2dav :Ey! Don't generalize a complete nation just because of one posting

Sorry about that, but Goldmember WAS a funny movie