Need some information about Rims[Z25]
Hey im on Z25 and i was asking my self..! How do you change the rims of the car..Many told me there is a program ,but works only on X.Soo i want to hear what the experts want to say.I want to put this rims on my XRG.

Rims Image Link :
You can't change the rims anymore.

In Z25 you can change the skins they use for XR cars
Quote from Whiskey :You can't change the rims anymore.

In Z25 you can change the skins they use for XR cars

Ah ,i've already seen that..Really bad..My rims look like c**p


You call this rims?
Image Link :
Quote from r3zp3k7 :
You call this rims?

And what did you think it is? A steam train?

Well, the black colour makes it a little unreal, try to make it brighter. And I like the XRG rims a lot, there's nothing bad on them IMO.
Quote from Flame CZE :And what did you think it is? A steam train?

Well, the black colour makes it a little unreal, try to make it brighter. And I like the XRG rims a lot, there's nothing bad on them IMO.

Look my XR GTR Rims..

Image Link :

And the XRG (this time in red ,so you could see them better) :

Image Link :

The only thing i hate about my XRG is the rims..

edit : Sorry for "Image Link" thing..My show pictures was off :P
So what exactly is wrong with XRG rims? You don't like the rim design?
Quote from Flame CZE :So what exactly is wrong with XRG rims? You don't like the rim design?

Yes..The look..Really strange ,have you ever seen any rims like those..?
#8 - garph
Quote from r3zp3k7 :Yes..The look..Really strange ,have you ever seen any rims like those..?

Not exactly those ones but similar ones, yes. You can do nothing with it, the developers choose their design.

By the way, how did you take the XRT rims screenshot, when you're a demo racer?
Quote from Flame CZE :Not exactly those ones but similar ones, yes. You can do nothing with it, the developers choose their design.

By the way, how did you take the XRT rims screenshot, when you're a demo racer?

Lock..I got the information I asked for.
Quote from r3zp3k7 :Lock..I got the information I asked for.

Could you please reply me to the question, please?
A quick look at the background of the picture would tell you it is LFS CMX Viewer :rolleyes:
Quote from JO53PHS :A quick look at the background of the picture would tell you it is LFS CMX Viewer :rolleyes:

Except the LFS CMX Viewer doesn't have the new rims, a grey ground and the sky per default :rolleyes:
The wheels (a rim is slightly different) in the latest version of the LfS Viewer, 0.6A, look like in the attachment.
Thus I do think that r3zp3k7 uses a crack.
Attached images
VIEWER_S2 2009-11-14 10-55-33-37.jpg
Okey okey ,

Looks some times i can agree with this i want to modifiy my textures bla bla bla.

But dont get me wrong but what is wrong with this rim?

To me it looks like its your pc / computer that can handle it.
any how look at my screen shot. i think its a very good rim for this car. it fits the car!
Attached images
What is wrong with the rim.png
Quote from morpha :Except the LFS CMX Viewer doesn't have the new rims, a grey ground and the sky per default :rolleyes:

Fair point
#18 - senn
At the end of the day you can't please everyone all the time. We might get customizable rims later. And for a demo user (who from what i can gather is using a cracked version of the game) to be requesting improvements, it's a bit rich. Also not a new suggestion.
Quote from Flame CZE :Could you please reply me to the question, please?

Oh no, it's the LFS PD, hide everybody
Quote from senn :At the end of the day you can't please everyone all the time. We might get customizable rims later. And for a demo user (who from what i can gather is using a cracked version of the game) to be requesting improvements, it's a bit rich. Also not a new suggestion.

I agree, I don't really care for a few of the wheel designs (more of a meshy BBS kind of guy) but you can't please everyone. I'd love to see a wheel designer mod or something come around..