The online racing simulator
FYI Guys, the NDR|GTAL server says you need 15kg for the XRR, this is obviously now not the case, however it won't let you join.

Therefore I recommend you use another server [eg Xcite/RSR] to practice if you're in an XRR until I can get d to sort it.

BTW on the Welcome Message for the Xcite server it says you need 25% for XRR - it's set correctly as 24% when you're in

See you later for Q1
RSR GTAL Server is open and setup correctly......

It is also locked on Qualifying-only, to keep joiners from starting a race whilst you are on your best lap ever

Good luck today from RSR Team to all teams making qualifying runs.

Also after Qual session 2 is over, there will be a GTAL-esque fun race on RSR GTAL server.
30 minutes qual starts at 20:30 GMT, followed by a 60 minute stint.

K. M.
Quote from J@tko :FYI Guys, the NDR|GTAL server says you need 15kg for the XRR, this is obviously now not the case, however it won't let you join.

Therefore I recommend you use another server [eg Xcite/RSR] to practice if you're in an XRR until I can get d to sort it.

BTW on the Welcome Message for the Xcite server it says you need 25% for XRR - it's set correctly as 24% when you're in

See you later for Q1

All working now
I have permafixed the error with XRR in the NDR|GTAL 2010 server. I thought I had nicked that Sunday in the config file, but I reckon not.

Also, the race will be broadcasted ! It'll be on our livestream page at - Wilko and Falke will be there with all the action, starting from just before 1800 UTC.
Quote from dekojester :Also, the race will be broadcasted ! It'll be on our livestream page at - Wilko and Falke will be there with all the action, starting from just before 1800 UTC.

Public humiliation, yes!

Is there a link for any tracker? Sorry don't found it :s
(Dharky) DELETED by Dharky
I just want to say good luck to you all Have a good race
Good luck to all teams! So far looks very promising!
Good work NDR so far
Good luck all, have fun!

PS: Wind sucks
Quote from GianniC :Good luck all, have fun!

PS: Wind sucks

Oh yeah :P I totally forgot about wind... :P So the car was compleeetely different^^ Had to adjust my braking-points etc in the middle of the race... Not really the best preperation :P
I noticed that on the tracker M. Riis is from england? He is from Denmark. If you could change that sometime Thanks.
Ok now im calm, Lag incident so all is happy I appologize to TDRT for acting to hastily. No hard feelings?
So, FIRST of all, I have to apologize to EVERYONE about 4 Stroke Racing Team's members attitude and actions in the chat. I couldn't really stop them, I told them to stop, but they didn't listen. So, I'm really sorry to all the teams and people that were involved and had to listen to all that crap. It was all a joke, but it got out of hands too much and in the end it didn't seem to be a joke for me anymore. I HOPE THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN! SORRRY!

And about the race,
Well, I really loved watching my team during the first stint. I think we did unexpectedly awesome for us, I wasn't waiting for such a racing from Mike. But all the good things ended quite fast, Mike punctured his tire, and as you all saw he didn't go to pits. Here is the reason why "When SRS crashed, the safety car came out, and said "SAFETY CAR deployed, PITLANE CLOSED!". Mike punctured his tire at the same time as this happened, and he thought he is not allowed to pit, so he did another lap, which caused us to loose very much time and maybe even crash someone. I apologize to everyone that was crashed etc. during that lap. (If there was anyone.)
Well, the hell continued and 2nd stint after the puncture, we went from 1st to 5th, but K.Kerekes accidentally crashed with Ruis Santos (I'm also really sorry that this happened.) Of course we got stuck in the sand and lost ~ 1min until we got out. + the DT after the crash and Core reported us. That also made us loose time, then 3 blue flaggers, who didn't let us pass, crashed us with a lag. And we last ~ 30sec more. The 3rd stint went okay, but Mike was saving his tires for last laps, so they wouldn't puncture again, and we were passed on the last straight, last lap by 2 cars, and went from 12th-14th.

The race was fun, and lots of unlucky moments, but we also had our time to shine. I'm REALLY SORRY to everyone who we caused trouble and problems. And thanks everyone for the +-great race. Congratulations, all the teams that finished and especially Tommy, who got the pole.

See you on track.
(Andrei221) DELETED by Andrei221
(Danas) DELETED by J@tko : Yes, lets start a flame war shall we?
Quote from andRo. :Here is the reason why "When SRS crashed, the safety car came out, and said "SAFETY CAR deployed, PITLANE CLOSED!".

I'm sorry about that - my fault. I saw that SRS had rolled it, and was wondering why the hell deko hadn't brought out the SC yet, but I was already half way down the pit lane. When I saw him lose connection I quickly stopped the SC, typed in "$pits" and instinctively pressed "Yellow" and "Pits Closed" [as that's what happens with most NDR events], but I then realised that actually the pits don't close in GTAL, so opened them again pronto, then went on my way. But, obviously, this has cost your team so I am very sorry
(Kristi) DELETED by J@tko : Yes, lets start a flame war shall we?
Deleted the flammable materials in here.
Thanks, J@tko. And no problem about the SC, as we all say "shit happens."
Thanks for the race, organizers.

But next time try to be more careful when you type something, because that's were the hell started for us.
Quote from AstroBoy :Lap and Replay Time (or Race Time if during race, eg, 36m30s in) of incident: Roughly 1 hour 42
Car(s) involved: 13 and 19
Brief description of incident: Car 19 runs into the side of car 13, car 13 starts to spin, then car 19 lags appears in car 13 and hello Wrong route for car 13.

Also props to P.Chapman for avoiding the whole thing

I nearly sh@t myself when that happened, on my end all of a sudden there was a car flying past me.... sideways

It was about the only thing i did avoid i think, seemed like i had spells of people making minor mistakes (either spinning or having to slow right down to catch the car) right infront of me and me ploughing into them. Half my own stupidity, half no time to react

Quote from hyntty :Can't give penalties to the internet.

There goes my protest then, i want my internet banned!
Even so, Deko said on the backstraight that the pits were open. And the rules say the pitlane is always open, just the exit closes when Jack comes round in his FZ5.
Maybe, but when you are first and your tire punctures, you don't read every line what is said, you just see what you see first, and that makes you confused.
Quote from Egon-est :Lap and Replay Time of incident: lap 1 and 2
Car(s) involved: #27 and #07
Brief description of incident: car #27 did a jumpstart and crashed us in T1

Egon showed this to me too and I'm simply stunned. Myers speeds past everyone on the straight, blatant jumpstarting and a very surprising divebomb into T1.
I'm aware that GTAL isn't as strict in driving standards as MoE is, but hey, this isn't even acceptable in public servers :|
Quote from andRo. :
But next time try to be more careful when you type something, because that's were the hell started for us.

Actually, I've said a 114 million times already, the race control app monitors the pit exit.
Quote from Fuse5 :Egon showed this to me too and I'm simply stunned. Myers speeds past everyone on the straight, blatant jumpstarting and a very surprising divebomb into T1.
I'm aware that GTAL isn't as strict in driving standards as MoE is, but hey, this isn't even acceptable in public servers :|

Right, it was totally stupid move.
Hi, everyone. Well, I'm kinda known as a failer now, but what ever, it made me a little confused - I mean the PIT CLOSED and PIT OPENED messages in the same time... well, 1st race of this kind ever, so... next time it might be better.

Anyway, I just want to apologize for making troubles with the tire puncture... especially in the S part, when I spun, there was some guy who crashed into me. Really sorry about that.

Just saw the demand. "that's suicide"