Please remember that
a) This is R1
b) This is an "amateur" league.
Thus don't expect perfect driving from everyone, incidents will happen, so don't protest every single little incident. Make sure YOU check the replay before making a protest. Of course, I'm not saying there won't be incidents that need protesting and/or deserve a penalty from us, but reporting someone just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and put you in the gravel, even though it wasn't their fault, isn't fair on us, them, nor is very sportsman-like.
Overall, I thought the driving standard was pretty good out there. There were only a few "ZOMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" moments, a handful of "oops" moments, probably exacerbated by the tight, short circuit.
I spoke to a couple of the drivers last night after the race, they said the lapped cars were generally very well behaved, although a couple were a "little hard to pass"

Just remember not to do any sudden movements, keep your line and let the faster car through.