This thread want me wanna be 18, get my license and buy a small cheap car and cruise around, I imagine it is great, never actually driven a car in my life.
I'm 14 years old so i'll do my brother's cars.
My brother's first car he shared it with my mum. T'was a Citroen Xantia with hydro...pentiumlithirolite... what ever they called it suspension. Basically Hydraulics.
Later came a silver Fiat Punto
Then a Toyota Yaris Verso (ugly AND rare)
And now a crappy Nissan Micra
They're usually stolen by pikeys and burned out, unfortunately
They're worth over the odds this year as it's the 50th anniversary, but they'll still hold their value over the next few years, which is partly why I wanted one. It's like an investment, the longer I hang on to it, the rarer they inevitably become, and the more valuable the remaining ones become But if I picked up a 106 or Saxo, it'd be worth scrap metal in a few years when I want to change
I was planning on hanging onto this until it hits 30 years, making it NCT and almost tax and insurance exempt. Then I can do what I like with it, I was planning on dropping in a K20 or an R1 bike engine You could look out for the old early 80's fiestas and starlets, they're NCT exempt in a couple of years, so there's no hassle with engine transplants or any mods you want, plus they look the business and can be picked up for pennies if you don't mind a bit of welding
can legally insure anything more then 15 years old Afaik, if i could id import from Scandinavia ( starlet shell ) . Mini's are great cars, everyone back in the day had atleast one, but though they are classics, they just aren't worth what their asking. Frenchies get better with age... though theres lots of poor examples, pick up an ex nun's or simular and your onto a winner. Dont ever bike engine mini's... no torque !
Nct exempt can be done with carvans, main reason i drive mine.
And no, its not only pikeys, many many many lads steal cars and strip them then sell the parts on dtdireland, midnightclub and all the club sites as well as tune their cars with the parts of flee-bay them .
Funny how you put down everyone else's car (while at the same time making up bullshit "common faults" when there really non existent) when your driving a peugeot van.
Might be best for you to just keep your mouth shut when commenting on other peoples cars.