Point blank perfectionism there. If you want a perfect movie get of LFS and go out to the cinema
He doesn't need to follow a 'book' and he doesn't need to suck up to you, and frankly, the answers are legit and that's alot nicer how he put it than i would've, infact i'd give him credit for how well controlled his response was, as if i were him i'd be pretty pissed off.
If your going to make a critisism, atleast make it constructive, pessimism doesn't improve anything.
I'm sorry but yeah. Nice shots prakumba, good work, and yes there is room for improvement, but it is not 'crap', and I think with some more practise you can be well on your way to creating some epic movies
- Tommer
Also. The flamewar going on in the background, I'd just like to say, i've no interest in stooping to that kind of level and find it pathetic that we cannot be constructive or act in some kind of social manner...
on a scale from 1-10 where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest, I'll have to say 2, because this is so generic and overdone.
Crap FPS, silly overlay, generic music.. It's all just been done
Try to put some meaning to it, not just "guy crashes police". Try this, is there a message you want to go across? If not, then this video doesn't rely on a story, it relies on the driving, camera work and effects, none are that good. Look at your work, and say to yourself, is this good? If the answer is no, then don't post it, and work further on it.