Just bumping this thread to ask a few questions, and it saves me opening up a new topic.
So, the iphone battery life, is it really that bad ?, or have i just been unlucky and installed a load of apps that use power like it's going out of fashion ?. I haven't done any 'scientific' type tests or anything, but, i'm having to charge this thing twice a day. Is that normal ?
I have come from a PDA with a hugely chunky extended battery pack, so maybe i've been spoilt, but, this eee-phone thing does seem to need a hell of a lot of juice !. So much so, i've been looking at a couple of cases with an extended battery charger built in. I've been looking at these two
http://www.logic3.com/details/?prod=615 and
http://www.mobilefun.co.uk/iph ... g-leather-case-p18580.htm Anyone had any experience with these or something similar ?
Secondly, Data usage. Anyone hit the buffer of this "unlimited download/fair use" O2 tariff ?. I'll admit to being a touch paranoid here, but i'm kinda scared of running up a huge data bill, so i've been very very careful about my data consumption (always use my home wifi network when in the house, and i make sure i don't spend hours searching for porn on the web when sitting on the bus...err i mean, checking the LFS forums :shy

Yet, my data usage seems to have added a few extra Mb's each time i turn the thing on...Is this normal ?
My guess is, so many of my apps asks "do you want to use your current location" I always say yes. So does that mean it's running off to the worldwideweb of lies to ask where i live every time i open up a programme ?
And thirdly, O2's internet tethering/add-on/nut and bolt thingy - thing. Anyone tried it ? Value for money ? Reasonable download speeds ? Reliable conection ? or a waste of time and a complete rip-off ?
Any help/advice would be good.
Anyway, to continue with the theme of this long forgotten thread, my apps :-
App Box Lite...............(Very very useful set of utilities all in one neat little package, it's free too, which always helps)
CallSaver and 0870......(Avoid paying for those costly 08 premium rate numbers that arn't included in your free minutes)
Google Mobile App.......(Internet search engine that you speak too, tell it what you want, and it simply finds it, works everytime, even if you have a northern accent)
Copilot Live 8..............(No Pink Floyd unfortunately, and it's not quite as polished as Tom Tom or Navigon 7, but, at 26 quid, you can't really grumble (it gets you to where you wanna go, eventually)
Around Me..................(I was surprised by the lack of built-in searchable POI's in google maps, so i installed this, and now i can easily and quickly search for things that i already know are there, (saves having to look out the window i guess))
Active Sonar...............(Learn how to become a bat, only without the wings and furry ears. No, really, go get it, you'll see exactly what i mean

iSeismo......................(Learn how much of a thud you make walking into walls when your trying to be a bat)
Games; not really found many games that have been able to hold my attention longer than ten mins or so, although Monopoly, Pocket God, Labyrinth 3D and Paper Toss arn't so bad.