Nice to finally see GT5 getting damage. Where in that video did it show mechanical damage though? I must of missed it.

Hopefully, it won't take them too long to implement damage on all the cars, and it would be much better if they stopped the cars bouncing off walls/other cars like there made out of rubber.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Nice to finally see GT5 getting damage. Where in that video did it show mechanical damage though? I must of missed it.

Pay attention to the 2:00 and onwards, car definately steers to the right by itself..

And yes, the shadows look bad on the car, but surely it won't be like that in the full version, and maybe it's a compresion issue, you know how red color looks awefully pixelated on videos..
They say it's "done" but no evidence, and he says they might not even include it, i smell bs
That guy is really digging a hole for himself.

It would be great for you guys if it really is finished and got implemented, but imagine the uproar if it did not get implemented. IMO, he should keep pretty hush about deciding "make or break" features, as any that are confirmed yet do not get added to the final game will only knock his reputation down.
Nothing new really. The game is his "child", he does whatever he wants with it. If you take things he says for granted, you're going to get disappointed.
This sounds great:

"Hey guys. So yeah, we have spent a lot of development hours doing the weather system, that had an impact on the release date and its pushback. However, We are not sure if we are going to release it! Go figure!"

Complete and utter "bs".
I really, REALLY hpoe GT5 doesn't dissapoint.
Like I said before, it's almost like they're seeking out reasons to push back the live date. Damage system, weather, what next? I note we haven't seen any decent in-game shots of the rally content yet either.

But they still have time to go round accurately modelling every single new car that's about to be released and taking thousands of screenshots.

The longer they leave it, the more awesome it's going to need to be to live up to the delays. If they'd released it a few months after Prologue they'd have got away with it, and would've been able to patch any new features in as they went rather than just shouting about them. At this rate, people are going to want the cars to physically jump out of the screen and crush them to death when they crash.
Quote from Dajmin :Like I said before, it's almost like they're seeking out reasons to push back the live date. Damage system, weather, what next?

especially when that damage system sucks... can you flip the car on it's roof yet? can you drive the car into a wall without the game magically turning the wheel for you?

6 years in the making, and it's nothing more than a bunk simulator made to look all shiny. i'm glad they didn't ship gt5 with the ps3 like they were supposed to, because i wouldn't have given up and found pc simracing.
Quote from bunder9999 :especially when that damage system sucks... can you flip the car on it's roof yet? can you drive the car into a wall without the game magically turning the wheel for you?

Since when did you get your hands on the finished game? Unless you didn't and are just talking out of your backside.
Quote from Gills4life :Since when did you get your hands on the finished game? Unless you didn't and are just talking out of your backside.

In a way, bunder has a point. From what we have seen so far, the damage and sounds are pretty poor. If you think they are going to overhaul the damage system and sounds before it is finished, then don't be hoping for a release date this side of 2010.
The videos look lovely. Great graphics most of the time. But the rest doesn't look much better than before in terms of realism. I know it's a console arcade game, but I was hoping for something better.

All based on Youtube videos of course, so it could be that they make it realistic, but that would annoy the GT fanbase, surely?
Quote from bunder9999 :especially when that damage system sucks... can you flip the car on it's roof yet?

Car rollover has been confirmed by the way.

Quote from Nathan_French_14 :In a way, bunder has a point. From what we have seen so far, the damage and sounds are pretty poor. If you think they are going to overhaul the damage system and sounds before it is finished, then don't be hoping for a release date this side of 2010.

Why would I be hoping for a release date this side of 2010? The projected release date is March '10. If Bunder has a point then it's an extremely poor one, basing his thoughts on the game from trailers and snippets of gameplay of a 65% complete game. I wouldn't expect amazing damage, just something that works well with mechanical damage which will make people try to avoid crashing into things/each other. From the small amounts of gameplay I have seen, which give away very little anyway, I have seen mechanical damage which hinders performance. Also, Bunder seems to pull facts out of his arse that are untrue. GT5 is NOT 6 years in the making. Where did you get 6 from? GT4 was released in 2005. In that time PD have released a handheld version of the game, and then next year they plan to release GT5, FIVE years after the prequel. Since this game was re-built from scratch, I would expect it to take this amount of time. The first GT took 5 years to develop.
Quote from Gills4life :Also, Bunder seems to pull facts out of his arse that are untrue. GT5 is NOT 6 years in the making. Where did you get 6 from? GT4 was released in 2005.

i'll repeat what i told you on the rsr forums... i bought gt4 on boxing day 2004, and i have the receipt in a box somewhere...

Quote :Why would I be hoping for a release date this side of 2010? The projected release date is March '10.

yes, except that gt5 was supposed to be released as the flagship game of the ps3, which is why we have prologue.

Quote :GT4 was released in 2005. In that time PD have released a handheld version of the game

which is nothing more than the original gran turismo on the psp, because the hardware is crap.

Quote :Since this game was re-built from scratch, I would expect it to take this amount of time.

sure, as any good game should. but it shouldn't take a multi-million dollar team "five" years to remake a game that already has four instalments.

gt5 was announced in 2006, was supposed to be finished in 2008. in 2007 it got delayed to late 2008, in 2008 it got delayed to early 2010, and it got delayed again in 2009 to spring 2010.

i don't know why i argue with you gills... i've been wanting gt5 ever since it was announced, but they simply took too long to deliver on that. which is partly why i play lfs.
Quote from bunder9999 :i'll repeat what i told you on the rsr forums... i bought gt5 on boxing day 2004, and i have the receipt in a box somewhere...

Oh so now GT5 was released in 2004 rofl. Assuming you meant GT4, it was released in 2005, not in 2004. If you got it in 2004 then you managed to somehow purchase it before it was even publicly released.

Quote from bunder9999 :sure, as any good game should. but it shouldn't take a multi-million dollar team "five" years to remake a game that already has four instalments.

I don't think you understand the fact that they have completely re-built the game engine from scratch and that no racing game out will be as content-rich as GT5 when it is released. You're a bit of a tool if you think that it can all be done in a year or 2 without it being a piece of crap.

Quote from bunder9999 :gt5 was announced in 2006, was supposed to be finished in 2008. in 2007 it got delayed to late 2008, in 2008 it got delayed to early 2010, and it got delayed again in 2009 to spring 2010.

Why have you still got it in your head that GT5 was delayed? Like I already pointed out clearly on the RSR forums, GT5 has not been delayed once. They never announced a release date until recently, for March 2010. How can there be a delay if it doesn't have a release date. You're talking out of your rear.

Quote from bunder9999 :i don't know why i argue with you gills... i've been wanting gt5 ever since it was announced, but they simply took too long to deliver on that. which is partly why i play lfs.

Well there's no real need to flame PD for taking their time with the game to make it the best they can, just because you're impatient. Incase you had somehow missed it, I play LFS too. That doesn't mean I should just assume GT5 is vaporware. I will enjoy playing each of them equally when GT5 is released. If you can't be patient then it's your loss!
yes, it was a typo, and no, i will not go through 4 boxes full of receipts, bills and various paper crap i've gathered over the years.
Yes you do!
Quote from bunder9999 :no, i will not go through 4 boxes full of receipts, bills and various paper crap i've gathered over the years.

That's ****ing immensely awesome.
All those pixels and details in the engine bay, but spoilt by the HORRID carbon texture, poor blurring, silly window/lighting tint. And you'd think they duct the coolers...

Not bad though, but a poor choice of image to show that large. GT5 is going to be the worlds best car screenshot generator so far.
Bunder bought GT4 Prologue probably. I too bought GT4 in 2005.

EDIT: It (GT4P) wasn't released in NA.
Considering its an entirely fresh build, in the roughly 5 years its expect it be from GT4 to GT5, thats a pretty reasonable timeframe for someone who doesnt rush things, and tries to do things properly.

In that time, they've probably taken a well deserved break from completing GT4, made a start on GT5 for the PS3 (GTHD as it originally was) on new hardware architecture they had to familiarise themselves with. GTHD turned to GT5 Prologue, and then GT5 proper where they started from scratch. They've also had GT PSP to f*ck about with too.
It'd be stupid to suggest that they've had 5 years where they've been working on the project because its completely false, they've done multiple things since then.

Quote :gt5 was announced in 2006, was supposed to be finished in 2008. in 2007 it got delayed to late 2008, in 2008 it got delayed to early 2010, and it got delayed again in 2009 to spring 2010.

i don't know why i argue with you gills... i've been wanting gt5 ever since it was announced, but they simply took too long to deliver on that. which is partly why i play lfs.

Said on a LFS Forum.
Unlike most cock developers, they also have the 'its done when its done' attitude. So is PD supposed to release an inferior product simply because they had a rough idea when they wanted it finished, but because they decided it wouldnt be good enough they rebuilt everything, because whiney people make bogus claims and demands of them?

You tell Scawen to screw being a smartarse trying to make the VWS feel like its real world counterpart, just release the damn thing now cos they ACTUALLY said it'd be out at the end of 08, screw it being inaccurate, whiney people want it NOW.
But its ok to do the same for a game built from scratch, on new hardware, for an entire game (not a peice of content for it) which they've never given any sure fire date for release until this summer.

Gran Turismo 5
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