I have made this track some time ago already. Had it hosted on a server for one night, it looked like people had fun there(and I did :P), so here it is:
The track consists of 3 sections:
Orange section - Mid speed section, well suited for high angles, dangerous corner exit.
Green Section -High speed section into slow speed section, very good for long, close twin drifts and passes, due to different line possibilities
Red Section - Slow speed section, well matched for slower/faster cars, allows good twin drift battles and high angles as well.

The track consists of 3 sections:
Orange section - Mid speed section, well suited for high angles, dangerous corner exit.
Green Section -High speed section into slow speed section, very good for long, close twin drifts and passes, due to different line possibilities
Red Section - Slow speed section, well matched for slower/faster cars, allows good twin drift battles and high angles as well.