LFS doesn't know about the registry. You can copy your installation wherever you want it. The installer just makes it easy. We may provide (perhaps on the additional downloads page) an old style self-extracting archive. But this has all been discussed before, I'm not saying anything new.
Tested it on my Acer laptop with W7 32 bit. Worked great. However, on my stationary (W7 32 bit), LFS doesent show up in the Add/remove programs list. I did install it on top of an older install of LFS (not my primary one). Can this have something to do with it?
This is up to Victor, to tell us if we can use in our translations some special tags like for example "\n" for line brake.
You are absolutely right. It's corrected now.
This is another story. The layouts was created to use mainly with auto-crossing. The other cases when layouts are used are only the exception confirming the rule.
I have also reviewed the Danish translation and found a couple of typos and have a couple of suggestions for alternative formulations. Red words are to be removed, green words are corrections of typos or additions.
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Denne wizardinstallationsguide vil guidehjælpe dig gennem installationen af LFSLive for Speed.
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Mange tak.
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I think the installer adds a more finished touch to the product. Keep up the good work.
Caps are used because original text in game uses caps also, just like vari said. I agree they will look a bit off in an installer license text - but the original use is in game where caps are used to emphasize parts of the text. It's not a big deal if those are changed to lower case for the installer text (meaning if it's technically possible to have it separate from the in game help.txt).