You could say that about the vast majority of actors nowdays. They're not acting in the sense that they're portraying someone else very well at all, I can only think of a handful of actual actors that can truly accomplish this - becomming someone they're not when on film. Heath Ledger, Anthony Hopkins... people that could take on almost any role and make it authentic.
Most actors today seem to think acting just means "them acting as if they were in the portrayed circumstances". Big difference from actually playing a role! Real acting is generating a personality that is totally NOT who you really are and making it real to the audience.
Seems like the general public just has to buy into someone's default personality, not the acting ability of said person and they'll be successful. A real actor can play both a hero or a villain, stupid, brilliant & so forth beleivably.
All this being said I do think Will Farrell is funny sometimes.

My wife on the other hand does not agree.