The online racing simulator
I am looking for suggestions for good, all round, custom classes.

Anyone got any?
Don't know if these are any good, i'm on pc so I don't know how the 360 will handle these :P

My main class is:

MP5K - RapidFire- Extended Mags
G18C - Akimbo - Extended Mags
Perks - Bling Pro - Stopping Power Pro - Steady Aim Pro

I found that it's great on the close quaters maps. And I used that setup all the way to rank 50.

For any other map I use a mix of the M4A1 and the FAMAS. Other than that I will use the WA2000 for sniping when the time comes.
Ofc the shield and just a simple handgun work for the LOLZ.. and with the knife it's great fun.

I don't really know about any other good setups still waiting to get the AK47
Cheers Adam
p90 silencer
striker silenced
scavenger pro
cold blooded pro
ninja pro
throwing knife

thats a great stealth class.

Those perks together are great (Y)
I though silenced SCAR-H or ACR with heartbeat sensor are most awesome? Didn't played MP so dunno really.
Quote from danowat :I am looking for suggestions for good, all round, custom classes.

Anyone got any?

ACR, ACR, and more ACR. Best all-around rifle by far that I've used (missing the F2000 and the AK though). Although the M16 is definitely the fastest killing, but if you don't have stopping power the 3-round burst is a bit of a hindrance.

Anyway I've been rolling with:

MP5k Red dot (ACOG proves really good for hardcore)
Spas-12 Red dot
Stopping Power

FAL Holo + heartbeat sensor
M93 Red dot + silencer
Stopping Power (double tap kills ftw), I'll put Cold Blooded on if it's a large map or it's hardcore.

ACR Holo
Cold Blooded (good for killing those pesky Pave Lows)
Ninja (I like being unheard)

I also use the last stand death streak on all my classes.
Scar-H Bling and Tar-21 Bling... blings are acog and Hbeat... best combo ever. Throwing knife master here... add me on xbox- Mustangman759
Woo i finished the game
It left me with a warm feeling inside
I just wish there was more stealth parts to the game.
yeah i agree. that was one of the things i really loved in COD4.
Havent read anything on it, but i played it, thought the maps were pritty bad for MP, far to wide open for competetive play, hit reg was suprisingly good for p2p or whatever it is imo still not a nice game for multiplayer.
If everyone just wanted to join publics and play away how "They want you to play it" without balancing mods such as promod and things fair doo's but alot of the PC community seem to be reverting back to COD4 for competetive play :\.

As a competetive(ish) css player I basicly prefer COD4 tbh

My two cents
Quote from jimaxx :Havent read anything on it, but i played it, thought the maps were pritty bad for MP, far to wide open for competetive play, hit reg was suprisingly good for p2p or whatever it is imo still not a nice game for multiplayer.
If everyone just wanted to join publics and play away how "They want you to play it" without balancing mods such as promod and things fair doo's but alot of the PC community seem to be reverting back to COD4 for competetive play :\.

As a competetive(ish) css player I basicly prefer COD4 tbh

My two cents

Well ok some of that I agree with, but I think the maps have a good mix of close combat and larger distance battles.

As for the hit boxes... they are utter crap. Gotta love the slo-mo kill cam and you see the guy running and blood flying out of him 2 secs behind.

I can understand why alot of people would go back to cod4, but I don't really have a problem with the match making. It's only annoying when you happen to have them instant level 70 and aim bot Haxosaurus's.
About the hitboxes... that's just lag; if you watch your own end-game killcam you'll see that it's somewhat inaccurate as to what you did.
Am i the only one thats noticed that they took the Lean function out of the game? Cause its really annoying
Quote from AstroBoy :Am i the only one thats noticed that they took the Learn function out of the game? Cause its really annoying

Do you mean "lean"?
Quote from AstroBoy :I swore i wrote lean my bad, but yes yes i do.

I almost like that you can't do it. I hated to see like a slither of a helmet with a gun poking through the wall mowing me down all the time.
Playing a lot of free for all online at the moment depending on map my choice is either

This is from memory so may have got some wrong way round. They are not good for distance but free for all uses the smaller maps so it is ok. I want to try out other combo’s but getting a good number of kills with these combo’s so I keep using them.

P90 with ACOG and rapid fire
PP2000 with extended clip and holographic site
Bling pro
Hardline pro


P90 with rapid fire and FMJ
PP2000 with silencer and holographic site
Bling pro
Cold blooded
Well I don't know if it was a good idea yet, but I finaly managed to reach prestige mode

I was a little reluctant to use it since I had just got the AK and found that the gun was a beast in hardcore of normal games.

But after having a few matches this morning I found that it's so much more fun being a lonely rank 5 and killing ass with a normal mp5 with nothing special on it

It's gonna be a long climb to 70 again, but I think once I reach it I will hold on till I do another prestige run.

Any others out there in prestige mode yet? Just wondering what you think of it?
Never done prestige before, does it just reset your level back to 0? or does it lock the weapeons/killstreaks etc too? and if its level 70 I am halfway there lol.
Yeah it pretty much resets everything you have. The only things you will keep are the titles and emblems.

Only plus side to going into prestige is the extra slots you get each time you do it and other weapon masteries, which give you 10k exp and 5k a pop.
Why did this topic had to be bumped? The game doesn't deserve it (untill they give fockin' dedicated servers.)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
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