Truth is, is that all these "hackers" that go announcing that they done that and that, hoping they become cool are simply called "kiddies".
A proper hacker usually fiddles with stuff that will help him out in some way or another. Or maybe he just feels like messing around. The fact is, they don't go announcing it all over the intertubes in hopes that people recognise them and start worshiping them or something.
They do what they got to do and simply keep it quiet. They don't care what others might think about them.
I know a lot of "kiddie h4ckzorz" that go around thinking they are all cool calling out in the middle of the streets "I will mess up your PC" or something crazy stupid like that. No one usually pays any kind of respect towards them, nor any attention....
So yeah....
Let me just put my flame proof costume on now. OK. Flame away.